- NLM Digital Collections - Genitourinary diseases and syphilisPublication: New York : Physicians and Surgeons Book Company, 1924Genitourinary diseases and syphilis ... Genitourinary diseases and syphilis Morton, Henry H. (Henry Holdich), 1861-1940 author. Female Urogenital Diseases Male Urogenital Diseases ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical department of the United States Army in the world war (Volume 2)Publication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1921-1929... surgery, ortho- pedic surgery, and venereal, skin, and genitourinary diseases. In the following month a diree'tor of ... for eye, ear, nose, and throat, skin and genitourinary diseases, and contained the central laboratory and morgue. It ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black & Minority Health. (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, [1985-1986]... Diseases of the digestive system---------------- Diseases of the genitourinary system-------------------- Diseases of skin and sub- cutaneous tissue----------- Diseases of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Management of the sick infantPublication: St. Louis : C.V. Mosby Company, 1924... 11 CHAPTER XVII Skin Diseases 330 CHAPTER XVIII Genitourinary Diseases 354 CHAPTER XIX Diseases of the Osseous System ... treatment is dealt with in the chapter on Genitourinary Diseases. On occasions, considerable hemorrhage may occur from the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Genito-urinary surgery and venereal diseasesPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1897... tonic and stimulating. Easily digestible food in 30 GENITOURINARY DISEASES AND SYPHILIS. as Fig. 11. ._ full quantity as ... stricture less developed; a, cavernous body. (Voillemier.) 198 GENITOURINARY DISEASES AND SYPHILIS. varies greatly in extent, from a ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 701- 709.—Thomson (W. H.) Some aspects of genitourinary disease, from a general practitioner's point of view. N. ... xxii, 32-35, 2 pi —Wolbarst (A. L.) Genitourinary diseases. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 17- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Diseases of middle life: the prevention, recognition and treatment of the morbid processes of ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 1923... nervous, 76 characteristics, 76 prognosis, 76 treatment, 77 Genitourinary diseases, male, 289 balanitis, 289 symptoms, 289 treatment, 290 ... diagnosis, 333 symptoms, 332 treatment, 333 INDEX 911 Genitourinary diseases, male, blad der capacity, 311 diverticulum, 313 diverticulitis, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical department of the United States Army in the world war (Volume 5)Publication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1921-1929... Surgeon General appointed a committee of specialists in genitourinary diseases and syphilis, which, in addition to other labors ... had been especially trained in the treatment of genitourinary diseases. Fifty enlisted men of the Medical Department were ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical department of the United States Army in the world war (Volume 7)Publication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1921-1929... 66 Syllabus—Intensive Course in Dermatology, Syphilis, and Genitourinary Diseases a. dermatology (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 to 12 ... and by means of special laboratory exercises. C. GENITOURINARY DISEASES I. Lectures (30 hours): (1) Methods of examination; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... Balti- more. 241. American journal of dermatology and genitourinary diseases. S. Louis. *» 242. American journal of digestive diseases and ... Brien, H. A. Malaria as a complication in genitourinary tract disease. J. Urol., Bait., 1944, 51: 646-54.— Franklin, ...
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