Results 1 -
- Quinine is used alone or with other medications to treat malaria (a serious or life-threatening illness ... by mosquitos in certain parts of the world). Quinine should not be used to prevent malaria. Quinine ...
- Ototoxicity (Vestibular Disorders Association)Dizziness and Vertigo/Specifics ... Dizziness and Vertigo ... Vestibular Disorders Association ... Ototoxicity is ear poisoning which results from exposure to drugs ...
- Alternatives for Pregnant Women (Malaria ) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Malaria in pregnant women is associated with high risks of both maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. ... Malaria/Women ... Malaria ... Pregnancy and Medicines/ ...
- Pregnancy and Childbirth with Neuromuscular Disease (Muscular Dystrophy Association) - PDFNeuromuscular Disorders/Women ... Neuromuscular Disorders ... Muscular Dystrophy Association ... PDF
- ... WBC counts include epinephrine, allopurinol, aspirin, chloroform, heparin, quinine, corticosteroids, and triamterene. Drugs that may decrease WBC ...
- ... that fight infections (such as gatifloxacin, levofloxacin, pentamidine, quinine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)
- ... and certain medicines, including: Antimalarial medicines such as quinine Aspirin (high doses) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ...
- ... arthritis Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Penicillin Quinidine Quinine Ranitidine Sulfonamides Linezolid and other antibiotics Statins
- ... replacement therapy and estrogens Medicines (including ticlopidine, clopidogrel, quinine, and cyclosporine A)
- ... can cause hemolytic anemia include: Anti-malaria drugs (quinine compounds) Arsenic Dapsone Intravenous water infusion (not half- ...