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- Codeprex® (as a combination product containing Chlorpheniramine, Codeine) ... Penntuss® (as a combination product containing Chlorpheniramine, Codeine) ... Tuxarin EXR® (as a combination product containing Chlorpheniramine, Codeine)
- Capital® & Codeine ... Phenaphen® with Codeine (#2, #3, #4) ... Tylenol® with Codeine (#3, #4) ... The combination of acetaminophen and codeine is used to relieve mild to moderate pain. Acetaminophen is in a class of medications called analgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretics ( ...
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine is a prescription pain medicine. It is an opioid pain reliever used only for pain that is severe and ...
- Guaifenesin is used to relieve chest congestion. Guaifenesin may help control symptoms but does not treat the cause of symptoms or speed recovery. Guaifenesin is in a class of medications called ...
- Codeine is a drug in some prescription pain medicines. It is in the class of medicines known ... or natural drug that has morphine-like properties. Codeine overdose occurs when someone takes more than the ...
- ... Types of opioids and their street names include: Codeine. There are many medicines that contain codeine as an ingredient, especially ones for cough such ...
- Prescription Opioids during Pregnancy (March of Dimes Foundation)... an injury, surgery or dental work. They include codeine, morphine and oxycodone. If you take opioids during ... that makes it. Buprenorphine (Belbuca®, Buprenex®, Butrans®, Probuphine®) Codeine Fentanyl (Actiq®, Duragesic®, Sublimaze®) Hydrocodone (Lorcet®, Lortab®, Norco®, ...
- Substance Abuse Screening (Department of Veterans Affairs)Drug Use and Addiction/Health Check Tools ... Drug Use and Addiction ... Veterans and Military Health/Health Check Tools ... Veterans and Military Health ... Department of ...
- Opioid Overdose (National Library of Medicine)What are opioids? Opioids, sometimes called narcotics, are a type of drug. They include strong prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, ...
- Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) (National Library of Medicine)What are opioids? Opioids, sometimes called narcotics, are a type of drug. They include strong prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, ...