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Abnormal cardiac output
- Medications for Arrhythmia (American Heart Association)Arrhythmia/Treatments and Therapies ... Arrhythmia ... American Heart Association ... Learn the types of medications used to treat arrhythmias that can help prevent ...
- ... bladder. Symptoms may include any of the following: Abnormal heart ... Diarrhea Hoarseness or changing voice Joint pain Weakness
- ... for lung crackles, a rapid heart rate, or abnormal heart sounds. The ... output, decreased movement or functioning of the heart, or ...
- ... and lethargy Decreased urine output or no urine output General swelling, fluid retention Nausea, vomiting
- ... include: Chest pain Inability to concentrate Low urine output Need to urinate at night (in adults)
- ... usual Abdominal pain Decreased appetite Fever Low urine output Nausea Thirst Vomiting Note: There may be signs of shock .
- ... in the urine Fever Increased or decreased urine output Mental status changes ( drowsiness , confusion , coma ) Nausea , vomiting Rash Swelling of any area of body Weight gain (from retaining fluid)
- ... arms, legs, face, or other areas Reduced urine output Seizure Shortness of breath Weakness of the arms, legs, face, or other areas
- ... often related to irregular heart rhythms Low urine output
- ... may include any of the following: Decreased urine output Rust-colored ... blood in the urine Joint pain Joint stiffness or swelling