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Resultados 1 - 7 de 7 sobre cannon
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  1. ... screens]. Available from: ...
  2. Problemas de salud en hombres homosexuales y hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con otros hombres (Fundación Mayo para la Educación y la Investigación Médica)  
    ... la buena salud a largo plazo. Show References Cannon C. Primary care of gay men and men ...
  3. Chaudhry R, Cannon GM. Urologic disorders. In: Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, Garrison J, eds. Zitelli and Davis' Atlas of ...
  4. ... Duffy DL, Henders AK, Wallace L, Healey S, Cannon-Albright LA, Skolnick M, Martin NG, Boomsma DI, ...
  5. Chaudhry R, Cannon GM. Urologic disorders. In: Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, Garrison J, eds. Zitelli and Davis' Atlas of ...
  6. Chaudhry R, Cannon GM. Urologic disorders. In: Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, Garrison J, eds. Zitelli and Davis’ Atlas of ...
  7. Cannon DL. Flexor and extensor tendon injuries. In: Azar FM, Beaty JH, eds. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. ...