- NLM Digital Collections - A conspectus of the medical sciences : comprising manuals of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea, 1874... bitterish; in fresh state abounding with a milky juice. Therapeutics.—Tonic, diuretic, said to act on the liver ; ... not boil, until the mucilage is formed ; lemon juice and sugar may be added to make it more agreeable. Therapeutics.—Infusion much used as a de- mulcent and ...
- ... as 10 NLM Technical Bulletin January-February 1997 juice therapy, megavitamins, sound therapy, etc. However, in any case, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Tuberculosis (Pulmonary, Treatment of) with meat and meat juices [zomo- therapy]. See, also, Tuberculosis (Pulmonary, Treat- ment of) ivith ... Tuberculosis (Pulmonury, Treatment of) with meat and meat juices [zomo- therapy]. culose. Med. orient., Par., 1905, ix, 570-572. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Handbook of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics : including the physiological action ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1890... stomach by the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. Therapeutics. The insoluble Bismuth salts are used internally in ... acid and thus promote the formation of calculi. Therapeutics. Lemon-juice is employed largely in the treatment and prevention ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Handbook of materia medica, pharmacy and therapeutics : including the physiological action of ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, 1887... by the hydro- chloric acid of the gastric juice. Therapeutics. The insoluble Bismuth salts are used internally in ... acid and thus promote the formation of calculi. Therapeutics. Lemon-juice is employed largely in the treatment and preven- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical therapeutics : with especial reference to the application of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Bros. & Co., 1894... the secretion of an excess of the digestive juice. Therapeutics.—The employment of alcohol in disease can here ... salts of iron are precipitated by the gastric juice and have to be sloAvly redissolved. Therapeutics.—The chief indication for iron is anemia (see ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Handbook of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics : including the physiological action ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1891... stomach by the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. Therapeutics. The insoluble Bismuth salts are used internally in ... a large dose last over 24 hours. Lemon-juice is said to antagonize its effects. Therapeutics. Cannabis was formerly much employed as an anodyne ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of materia medica, therapeutics, and prescription writing : with especial reference ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1887... Pepsin is an essential element of the gastric juice. Therapeutics. Pepsin is indicated in atonic dyspepsia, the apepsia ... torpid and indifferent. Socrates was poisoned by the juice of Conium, which was the state poison of the Athenians. Therapeutics. Conium is used as a sedative to pain ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical therapeutics : with especial reference to the application of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1891... the secretion of an excess of the digestive juice. Therapeutics.—The employment of alcohol in disease can here ... particularly on the skin and mucous membranes. The juices of the intestines ... and sulphides. Therapeutics.—Sulphur is used as a mild laxative, never ...
- ... OR fruits OR plant [tw] OR plants AND juice AND (prevention OR therapy)) OR (ornish [tw] AND diet) OR vegetarian diet ... cellasene OR (chacon [tw] AND cancer) OR chelation therapy OR (noni juice OR morinda citrifolia OR mth-68 AND (antineoplastic ...
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