What is the common cold?
The common cold is a mild infection of your upper respiratory tract (which includes your nose and throat). Colds are probably the most common illness. Adults have an average of 2-3 colds per year, and children have even more. Colds are more common in the winter and spring, but you can get them at any time.
What causes the common cold?
More than 200 different viruses can cause a cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common type. The viruses that cause colds are very contagious. They can spread from person to person through the air and close personal contact. You can also get infected when you touch something that has the virus on it and then touch your eyes, mouth, or nose. For example, you could get a cold after you shake hands with someone who has a cold or touch a doorknob that has the germs on it, and then touch your face.
- Common Cold (National Library of Medicine)What is the common cold? The common cold is a mild infection of your upper respiratory tract (which includes your nose and throat). Colds are probably the most common illness. ...
- ... 19 may be similar to those of the common cold. Always check with your provider if you are ... ask your provider for antibiotics to treat a common cold. Keep in mind that antibiotics kill bacteria. They ...
- The common cold most often causes a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, ... It is called the common cold for good reason. There are over one billion colds in the United States each year. You and your children will ...
- Facts about the Common Cold (American Lung Association)Interesting and helpful facts about the common cold, and understanding the difference between a cold and the flu. ... cold symptoms, common cold symptoms, symptoms of a cold, common cold, cold vs flu
- Manage Common Cold (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Learn how to manage common cold symptoms, when to seek medical care and prevention strategies.
- Viral Infections (National Library of Medicine)... the diseases that viruses can cause include the common cold, the flu, COVID-19, and HIV. How are ...
- Common Cold in Babies: Symptoms and Causes (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)Common Infant and Newborn Problems/Specifics ... Common Infant and Newborn Problems ... Common Cold/Children ... Common Cold ... Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and ...
- ClinicalTrials.gov: Common Cold (National Institutes of Health)Common Cold/Clinical Trials ... Common Cold
- ... research identified a possible genetic link to the common cold. ... Cold Rare gene mutation may have link to common cold Colds seem harder to escape as the temperature ...
- ... runny nose, and nasal congestion caused by the common cold. Doxylamine should not be used to cause sleepiness ... liquid-filled capsule to treat symptoms of the common cold. When doxylamine is used to reduce difficulty falling ...