An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain. The tumor usually grows slowly. As it grows, it presses against the hearing and balance nerves. At first, you may have no symptoms or mild symptoms. They can include:
- Loss of hearing on one side
- Ringing in ears
- Dizziness and balance problems
The tumor can also eventually cause numbness or paralysis of the face. If it grows large enough, it can press against the brain, becoming life-threatening.
- Acoustic Neuroma (National Library of Medicine)An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain. The ... can press against the brain, becoming life-threatening. Acoustic neuroma can be difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms ...
- Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video (Acoustic Neuroma Association)... a Provider Today Home Learn Back Learn about acoustic neuroma AN Facts What is acoustic neuroma? Diagnosing Symptoms Side Effects Keywords World Language Videos ...
- An acoustic neuroma is a slow-growing tumor of the nerve that connects the ear to the brain. This nerve ... behind the ear, right under the brain. An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor. This means that it ...
- What Is Acoustic Neuroma? (Acoustic Neuroma Association)Acoustic Neuroma/Start Here ... Acoustic Neuroma ... Acoustic Neuroma Association ... acoustic neuroma causes; what causes acoustic neuroma; how common is acoustic neuroma; ...
- Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma (Acoustic Neuroma Association)Acoustic Neuroma/Symptoms ... Acoustic Neuroma ... Acoustic Neuroma Association ... acoustic neuroma symptoms, vestibular schwannoma symptoms, presenting AN symptoms, ...
- Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma) and Neurofibromatosis (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders)Acoustic Neuroma/Start Here ... Acoustic Neuroma ... Neurofibromatosis/Specifics ... Neurofibromatosis ... Hearing Disorders and Deafness/Specifics ... Hearing Disorders and Deafness
- Diagnosing Acoustic Neuroma (Acoustic Neuroma Association)Acoustic Neuroma/Diagnosis and Tests ... Acoustic Neuroma ... Acoustic Neuroma Association ... Acoustic Neuroma Association, ANA,acoustic neuroma,health care professionals
- When You Visit Your Doctor: Acoustic Neuroma (Harvard Medical School)Questions to ask your doctor about acoustic neuroma. ... Acoustic Neuroma
- A primary brain tumor is a group (mass) of abnormal cells that start in the brain. ... Primary brain tumors include any tumor that starts ...
- Treatment Options - Overview (Acoustic Neuroma Association)acoustic neuroma treatment, surgery, radiation, observation, acoustic neuroma, vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma surgery, acoustic neuroma radiation, acoustic neuroma ...