- NLM Digital Collections - The Medical Department of the United States Navy with the Army and Marine Corps in France in ....Publication: Washington, D.C. : Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, U.S. Navy Department, June 1947... material was captured or destroyed. The power and dash displayed by the division helped turn the tide ... stated that “A splendid American Division, full of dash and ardor, the Second Division, U. S., placed at ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Iowa program of physical education for boys : secondary schools : a manual for teachersPublication: [Des Moines] : The State of Iowa, 1945... a sprint (in this test, a 60-yard dash). This gives a quotient that can be interpreted ... in which he would run a sixty-yard dash. The two-hundred yard run is timed with ...
- NLM Digital Collections - English-Yiddish encyclopedic dictionary = English-Idishes entsiḳlopedishes ṿerṭerbukh : a ....Publication: New York : The Jewish Press Publishing Company, 1915... די ־ פון׳ם (עט פוירסט דעש) at first dash א פרײער צײט. ע:ד?יןי; אם ענ־ ( ... atroph'ic a <עט הװאן דעש) at one dash מיט אײז ק?אפ׳ מיט אײן שטריף־; פ? ... אהז צערעמאניעם. (קאט ע דע׳ט) cut a dash אויםשנײדעז; אוים־ (קאט אוט) cut out שנײדען א ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The principles of the chrono-thermal system of medicine : with the fallacies of the faculty, ....Publication: New York : Long, 1848... MODE OF ITS APPLICATION.* The Suddenness of the dash is the chief thing to be attended to' ... too, like the simplest ague, by the cold dash or an emetic given during the hot fit;— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Primary studies for nurses : a text-book for first year pupil nurses, containing courses of ...Publication: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1919... of bread-crumbs, \ tea- spoonful of salt, a dash of pepper. Method.—Separate egg; beat white till ... starch, \ teaspoonful of flavoring, \ cupful of sugar, a dash of salt, 1 egg. Method.—Heat milk in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A handbook of family medicine and hygiene : together with descriptions of remedies, numerous ....Publication: Cincinnati : Houston, 1890... the vapor and to breathe it. A sudden dash of cool water should be taken on emerging ... and then dresses. Some timid persons fear the dash of the cool water after these baths, lest ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The compendium of health : pertaining to the physical life of man and the animals which serve ...Publication: Chicago : American Book Co., 1884... Make the face warm by brisk friction; then dash cold water upon it. Rule 5. If the ... to fall violently; open or remove the clothing; dash cold water violently and copiously upon the face, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The health guide : aiming at a higher science of life and the life-forces, giving nature's ...Publication: New York : E.D. Babbitt, [c1874]... aroused, can sweep the ocean into spray and dash the forests to earth. Stea??i, being still ... bath of hot water, followed by a cold dash, is excellent. Here water is the analogical, heat ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Synopsis of style : with a list of abbreviations for serial publications indexed in the ...Publication: [Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1937]... then the journal references pre- ceded by a dash and the words "See also." The biographical paragraph ... name is omitted or preceded by a [8] dash. In journal references the title of the journal, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... then the journal references pre- ceded by a dash and the words "See also." The biographical paragraph ... name is omitted or preceded by a [8] dash. In journal references the title of the journal, ...
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