- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of botany, or, Outlines of the natural history of vegetables: in two volumes (Volume ...Publication: Philadelphia : Desilver, 1827... shaped; spreading flat without any tube; as in Borago, Veronicaf, PhysalisJ, Verbascum, and others. 6. cya- thiformis, ... concave, or spoon- shaped ('cocbleariformes) ; as in Myristica officinalis. 2. conglobate, conglobate ; formed into a sphere, which ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of botany: or Outlines of the natural history of vegetables : illustrated by forty ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed for the author, 1812-1814... shaped; spreading flat without any tube; as in Borago, Veronicaf, PhysalisJ, Verbascum, and others. 6. cya- thifor7wz>, ... or spoon- shaped (cochleafiform.es) ; as in Myristica officinalis. 2. conglobatx, conglobate j formed into a sphere, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A grammar of botany : containing an explanation of the system of Linnaeus, and the terms of ...Publication: New-York : Published by James Eastburn and Co ..., Clayton & Kirkland, printers, 1818... ovata, ovoide,) shaped like an egg. Ex Sanguisorba officinalis. 532. Ventricose, or bellied, (ventricosa, ren- tru,) gibbous, ... re- maining after the fall of the corolla. Borago. ,; Observation. Remaining usually with the fruit, and often ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816... borat of soda, or common borax. See Borax. BORAGO, in botany, a genus of the pentandria mono- ... to the part immediately below if, as in borago, &c. and i( is said to be superior ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new dictionary of medical science and literature: containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Boston : Charles Bowen, 1833... liquors and boil them together with flours of borago, white roses, senna haves, and aniseed, each § ij; ... pound. Four ounces. Galen. Tkifo'lium Melilo'tus Officinalis (Mat. Med.) Melilo'tus, Lo'tus sylvcs'- tris, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Philadelphia medical dictionary : containing a concise explanation of all the terms used ....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson; Thomas and George Palmer, printers, 1808... sea cow. Borace, ~) Boractrion, y borax. Boraxo, J Borago, the plant borage. Boras, borat; the name for ... Calciteosa, litharge. Calcithos, verdigrise. Calcltrapa, common star thistle. officinalis, St. Barnaby's thistle. Calcoidea ossicula, cuneiform bones. Calcotar, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Philadelphia medical dictionary: containing a concise explanation of all the terms used ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., 1817... sea cow. Borace, ~\ Boractrion, y borax. Boraxo, J Borago, the plant borage. Boras, borat; the name for ... Calciteosa, litharge. Calcithos, verdigrise. Calcitrafia, common star thistle. officinalis, St Barnaby's thistle. Calcoidea ossicula, cuneiform bones. Calcotar, ...
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