- NLM Digital Collections - Domestic medicine, or, The family physician : being an attempt to render the medical art more ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, for R. Aitken, MDCCLXXIV [1774]... discharges, as the menses, sweating of the feet, perspiration, &c. SYMPTOMS.—A fit of the gout is generally preceded ... or an infusion of carduus benedictus. A plentiful sweat kept up for a ... apoplectic symptoms proceed from opium or other narcotic substances taken ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medicinal plants: an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.C. Yorston & Co., 1892... general sticking or stitching pains; sleepiness, chilliness and sweating. These symptoms point to a peculiar action upon the liver, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The effects of high atmospheric pressure, including the caisson diseasePublication: Brooklyn : Eagle Print, 1873... caused vomiting, after which there was profuse cold perspiration. Symptoms grad- ually passed off, and by 3 P. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Repertory of foot-sweatPublication: [Philadelphia?] : [publisher not identified], [1894?]... do not believe I have omitted any Foot-sweat symptoms, but if I have overlooked any I should ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Some further experience in the dilatation of the Fallopian tube for the treatment of abscessPublication: Jefferson City, Mo. : Tribune Printing Company, state printers and binders, 1893... uteri; temperature 100° F., followed by cold, clammy sweats. Diagnosis, pyo-salpinx and uterine catarrh; abscess in tube ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Buchan's Family medical works : containing the Domestic medicine, enlarged : and the ...Publication: [Charleston, S.C. : John Hoff ..., 1807]... discharges, as the menses, .sweating of the feet, perspiration, he. SYMPTOMS—A fit of the gout is generally preceded ... or an infusion of carduus benedictus. A plentiful sweat kept up for a ... apoplectic symptoms proceed from opium, or other t, narcotic substances ...
- ... stomach he slept and emitted tor- rents of perspiration, a symptom common to the disease. He fell at length ... advisable till the reaction is complete, free from perspiration, and accompanied by symptoms of congestion in some part or another. Even ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Notes of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine : delivered in the Jefferson Medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Grigg & Elliot, 1844... types. Stages: the cold, the hot, and the sweating stages. Symptoms—Of the cold stage: lassitude, yawn- ing ; skin ... and hardness, and becoming soft and full; night sweats, and other symptoms of hectic. INFLAMMATION IN GENERAL. 69 4. Gangrene. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A handbook of therapeuticsPublication: New York : William Wood and Company, 1883... five minutes, followed on their decline by violent sweating. These symptoms are said to occur when the injection directly ... flushings of the face, and hot and cold perspirations. It is still more effectual ... closely resembling intoxication, unsteadiness of gait, per- version ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Notes of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine : delivered in the Jefferson Medical ...Publication: Cincinnati : Published by Corey & Fairbank, 200, Main Street, 1834... types. Stages: the cold, the hot, and the sweating stages. Symptoms—Of the cold stage: lassitude, yawning; skin pale ... and hardness, and becoming soft and full; night sweats, and other symptoms of hectic. 4. Gangrene, Never occurs in the ...
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