- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Harper & Brothers, 1838... bitter almond. See Amur- dalus communis. ■ AMY ANA Amygdala dulcis. The sweet almond. See Amyg- dalus communis. Amygdalje oleum. See Amygdalus ... The systematic name of tbe red cherry-tree. Prunus—umbellis ... pleasant, acidulated, sweet flavour, and are proper in fevers, scurvy, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise explanation of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1857... Kalmia angustifolia—1. Swamp, Kal- mia glauca — 1. Sweet, Illicium Floridanum — 1. Water, see Prunus lauro-cerasus—1. White, Mag- nolia glauca. LAURENT, ... Cer'asum, Cera'- eion, has a pleasant, acidulous sweet flavour. It is wholesome. See Prunus avium. Prunus Domes'tica. The Plum or Damson ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pocket materia medica and therapeutics : a résumé of the action and doses of all ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : Illustrated Medical Journal Co., 1895... to dilute hydrocy- anic acid; or demulcent when sweet almonds (amygdake dulces) are employed. A'qua, bitter almond water, 3 ... 185 Bitter wurzel; see Gentiana, 133 Bittere mandeln ; Amygdala, 35 Black ... Black cherry; see Prunus Vir- ginians, 227 Black China catechu; Catechu, 79 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise of the materia medicaPublication: New York : Printed by L. Nichols & Co., for T. & J. Swords [and 9 others], 1802... CIBI. 1. Ex Vegetabilibus. A. Fructus. a. Acido-dulces recentes. Drupacea. Cerasus, Prunus Cesarus, Syst. Vege- tab. apud Murray, pag. 463, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medical terminology, dental surgery, and the collateral sciencesPublication: Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston, 1878... prove useful. In Dental Practice, the oil of sweet almonds, Oleum Amygdala Dul- cis, forms a pleasant and soothing applica- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise of the materia medicaPublication: Philadelphia : Published by Mathew Carey; sold by Kimber, Conrad and Co. [and 7 others], Jan. 1, 1808... C1BI. Ex Vegetabilibus. Fructus. A. Fuuctus. a. Acido-dulces recentes. Drupacea. Cerasus, Prunus Cerasus, Syst. Vege- tab. apud Murray, pag. 463, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1845... Prunus lauro-cerasus—/. Rose, Nerium oleander. LAURO-CERASUS, Prunus lauro-cerasus. LAURUS, Laurus nob'His, Daphne, the Sweet Bay. Nut. Ord. Laurinere. (F.) Luurier. The leaves ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Philadelphia medical dictionary : containing a concise explanation of all the terms used ....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson; Thomas and George Palmer, printers, 1808... aimond ; the tonsils, or almonds of the ear. Amygdala amara, the bitter almond. dulcis, ~) common or sweet sativa, 3 almond. Amygdulatum, almond emulsion, or lac ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1858... not always acceptable to the stomach. W CONFECTIO AMYGDALA. Lond. Conserva Amtgdalarum. Ed. Almond Confection. "Take of [sweet] Almonds eight ounces; Gum Arabic, in powder, one ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new dictionary of medical science and literature: containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Boston : Charles Bowen, 1833... Amygdali'na, Pas'ta Emulsi'va, Buty'rum Amygdala'rum Dul'cium. (Sweet almonds §j, gum acacia 3jj white sugar $iv. Blanch ...
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