- NLM Digital Collections - Arnold's lectures on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : and disease, its cause, prevention, ...Publication: Cincinnati : Rulison, 1859... anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : and disease, its cause, prevention, and cure : written in a familiar style, designed ... anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : and disease, its cause, prevention, and cure : written in a familiar style, designed ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Every man his own doctor, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen ...Publication: New-Haven : Published by Nathan Whiting, 1816... his own doctor, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple ... Treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines
- NLM Digital Collections - The eye : its imperfections and their prevention : comprising a familiar description of the ...Publication: New York : Published by the author, 1847The eye : its imperfections and their prevention : comprising a familiar description of the anatomy and physiology of the organ of vision : rules for the preservation, improvement, and restoration of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical facts and inquiries, respecting the causes, nature, prevention and cure of fever : ...Publication: Cahawba [Ala.] : Printed by William B. Allen, 1825Medical facts and inquiries, respecting the causes, nature, prevention and cure of fever : more expressly in relation ... Medical facts and inquiries, respecting the causes, nature, prevention and cure of fever : more expressly in relation ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical common sense : applied to the causes, prevention and cure of chronic diseases, and ...Publication: Boston : Wentworth, Hewes & Co., 1858Medical common sense : applied to the causes, prevention and cure of chronic diseases, and unhappiness in marriage ... Medical common sense : applied to the causes, prevention and cure of chronic ... Medicine Complementary Therapies Interpersonal Relations Sexual Behavior ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Domestic medicine : or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and ...Publication: Boston : Printed for Joseph Bumstead (printer and bookseller) ..., 1809Domestic medicine : or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines : with an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners : to which ...
- NLM Digital Collections - American modern practiec [i.e. practice], or, A simple method of prevention and cure of ...Publication: Boston : Cottons & Barnard, 1826... i.e. practice], or, A simple method of prevention and cure of diseases : according to the latest ... Simple method of prevention and cure of diseases ... i.e. practice], or, A simple method of prevention and cure of diseases : according to the latest ...
- NLM Digital Collections - New and enlarged edition of Dr. Buchan's Domestic medicine : or a treatise on the prevention ....Publication: Philadelphia : W.A. Leary, 1849... Buchan's Domestic medicine : or a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple ... Buchan's Domestic medicine : or a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicinesPublication: Cincinnati : James, 1841A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines ... A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines Buchan, William, 1729-1805. Medicine Rev. and enl., with the addition ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Domestic medicine, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and ...Publication: Boston : Phelps and Farnham, 1825Domestic medicine, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines : containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners, to which is added a ...
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