- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1845... and qa/ig,' the spine.' Hydrorachi'tis, Hydrorrhal- chia, Hydrops Cavitdtis Columnx Vertebrdlis, Spina bifida, Hydrops medullx ... milk.' Want of milk in the mamma?. ISCHOLO'CHIA or ISCHOLOCHI'A.from 10x01, 'I restrain,' and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... fannaceu- tici raccolti, ed esposti con precisione, e chia- rezza, per uso degli esamiuandi in tale facolta ... j Resoconto terapeutico dell' ospedale cholerico della Conoc- chia. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 157-169.—Cholera hospitals ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : E. Duyckinck, E. Bliss & E. White, Collins and Hannay, Collins & Co., and James V. Seaman, 1824... anus or uterus, according to Hippo- crates. Apopsy'chia. (From at*3, from, and -l-w^n, ... the long- rooted birthwort. Sen Aristolochia longa. Aristolo'chia anguici'da. Snake-killing birthwort. Aristolochia:—foliis cordatis, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of dental science, biography, bibliography, and medical terminologyPublication: Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston, 1849... Aristolochia Fabacea. Fumarea bulbosa. Aristolochia Longa and Aristolo- chia Rotunda. The long and round birthwort. Aristolochia Serpenta' ... go to the lungs and accompany the bron- chia in their ramifications. Bronchial Cells. The air-cells ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new medical dictionary : ... on the basis of Hooper and Grant, adapted to the present state ...Publication: New York : Harper, 1855... and malignant. Pestile'nt-wort. Tussilago petasites. Pestilo'chia. Aristolochia virginiana. PE'STIS. (From perdo, to destroy.) ... resembling leaves.� Hippocrates. Peta'sites. Tussilago petasites. PETE'CHIA. (a, a-, f.) Peticula. A red or purple ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a new dictionary of medical science, containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1839... and vice versd. Triceps Extensor Cubiti, Triceps Bra- chia'lis, Scapulo-humiro-olicranien (Ch.), (F) Triceps, brachial. ... pedlilens malig'- na, Febris naulica pestilenlialis, Febris pete- chia'lis, Typhus petechia'lis, Pulicula'ris mor- bus, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a new dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea & Blanchard, 1842... talline lens. The former case is called Syne- chia ante'rior: the latter S. postdrior. SYNESIS, Intellect. SYNEUROSIS, ... Pinus balsamea—t. Canadensis, see Pinus balsamea—t. Chia, see Pistacia terebinthus—t. Communis, see Pinus sylvestris— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : E. Bliss & E. White, How, Spaulding & Dwight, F. & R. Lockwood, and J.V. Seaman, 1822... and»Act/oy, oil.) Oil of mastich. Masti'chia. (From /AArtyu, maetich, •o called because it smells ... a livid colour, and are then termed pete- chia. Stilbo'ma. (From tixCoi, to polish.) A cosmetic. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new dictionary of medical science and literature: containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Boston : Charles Bowen, 1833... the union of symptoms produced by plethora. Syne'chia (Path.) from aw, ' with,' and exttv> 'to De-' ... crystalline lens. The former case is called Syne'chia ante'rior.- the latter S. poste'rior. Synezi'zis ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise explanation of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1857... ASIS, Distich'ia, Districh'ia, Dis- trichlasis, Distoe'chia, Distcechlasis, from Sis, 'double,' andori^of, 'a row.' ... bistorta. SERPENTARIA. Aristolochia serpentaria—s. Gallorum, Arum drncuncu'us — s. Hispanica, Scorzonera—s. Minor. Arum maculatum—s. Ni- gra, Actaea racemosa. ...
51 results