- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Caspari's Homoeopathic domestic physicianPublication: Philadelphia : Rademacher & Sheek, 1852... prohibited: meal-soups, sucking 30 234 WARTS AND CORNS. ... Next to proper attention to diet, daily lukewarm baths, in which twice a week ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An encyclopedia of the practice of medicine, based on bacteriologyPublication: New York : Russell, 1890... mother, free from toil, care, struggle for existence; free from the vices and depressing influences of city life, with a good diet of beef, mutton, poultry, game, eggs, milk, oatmeal porridge, corn-bread, carrots, parsnips. fruit and other vegetables, she ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Rules for recovery from pulmonary tuberculosis : a layman's handbook of treatmentPublication: Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1923... pint and a half. Ground rice, wheaten meal, corn meal or a mixture of these may be treated similarly. The fluid contains less nour- ishment than milk, but is a valuable addition to a milk-free diet. The following liquid menus are merely sugges- tions, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Physiological chemistry (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard & Lea, 1855... by the solid and fluid excretions. I. has reference to the metamorphosis of ... to water. III. A normal flesh diet (that is to say, one with which the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Health at home, or, Hall's family doctor : showing how to invigorate and preserve health, ...Publication: Hartford, Conn. : Betts, 1874... of cold or salt water on rising, eating free- ly of parched corn. But the ... on enemas and a diet of fruits, berries, melons, and coarse breads, with ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Scarlatina puerperalisPublication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., [1884]... two ounces. Dose, one table- spoonful. 2d. A free evacuation of the bowels this morning. Patient feeling much better, and anxious to be allowed to sit up. In addition to usual diet, allowed corn-meal mush and milk. 11 11 th. The ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Warner's therapeutic reference bookPublication: Philadelphia, Pa. : William R. Warner & Co., 1889... 30 TABLE OF DIGESTIBILITY OF FOODS * 48 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. TABLE OF DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD *—{Continued.) Article of Diet. How prepared. Timeof chimification Potatoes. Baked. 2 " 33 (( Apple Dumpling. Boiled. 3 “ o i ( Indian Corn Cake. Baked. 3 “ o (< Indian Corn Bread. Baked. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Toxicology, or, The effects of poisonsPublication: Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., [1924]... poisoning the drug should be discontinued. Rest, regular diet, free ... References Taylor and Sailer: Contributions from Pepper Laboratory, 1900, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new and improved system of medical botanical practice : also, a concise view of anatomy and ...Publication: Cleaveland : Printed for the author, 1829... used. A kind of pudding, called hommanymade of corn coarsely ground, and boiled over a slow r~'■•" until perfectly soft, furnishes one of the mostpleas- ant and i.ealthy diets combined with milk, probably in na- ture. By a free use of such diet, with proper exercise and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hospital dietsPublication: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, October 13, 1941... tips. Baked squash. Egg, 1. Salt-free buttered corn. Salt-free buttered fresh ... DIETS Low salt anticonstipation—l Continued Breakfast Dinner Supper ...
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