- NLM Digital Collections - Report of the committee on the statistics of calculous disease in Ohio : made to the Ohio ...Publication: Columbus : S. Medary, 1850... the transitions from a log hut residence, and corn and bacon diet, and ardent spirits as a beverage, to fine houses, luxurious living, with the free use of wine and fermented liquors ! E. HAMILTON ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The electropathic guide : prepared with particular reference to home practice : containing ...Publication: La Crosse, Wis. : [s.n.], 1879... He should be kept quiet, but cheerful, and free from excitement. Great care should be taken in reference to diet, even when con- valescent. ERUPTIVE FEVER. If the ...
- ... studies of vitamin A. The basal vitamin A-free diet referred to (No. 379a) consists of casein 18 per cent, corn starch 67 per cent, yeast 10 per cent, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Nutrition and clinical dieteticsPublication: Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1923... dysentery, the dietary regulations are practically alike. The diet should be free of irritating foods, seeds, skins, raw vegetables or those with a rough residue, as corn, bran, etc. Everything should be exceedingly soft and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine: a treatise on special pathology and therapeutics (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea & Blanchard, 1844... bread, or bread made of unbolted flour, or corn bread', ripe fruit, or preserves, figs, stewed prunes, or a free use of saccharine matter, as of molasses, with articles of diet that will admit of the union, the bowels ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Well-controlled diet studies in humans : a practical guide to design and managementPublication: Chicago : American Dietetic Association, c1999... calorie ratio as 40% fat, 60% carbohydrate. • The reference participant weighs 70 kg and has an estimated energy requirement of 3,150 kcal. • The daily diet consists of three isocaloric meals, each containing protein-free cookies (2 cookies, uncooked total weight 90 g) ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Physiology of flight : human factors in the operation of military aircraftPublication: Dayton, Ohio : The Aero Medical Research Laboratory, Experimental Engineering Section, Materiel Center, Wright Field, [1942]... ears to reduce the noise level, (4) a diet free of greasy foods and excessive li- quids, (5) maintenance of good visual reference when- ever possible, to avoid spatial disorientation, (6) ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise of pathology and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Lexington, Kentucky : [s.n.], 1828... three, four, or five, in twenty-four hours, free, loose, but not thin and watery. 1747. The diet should be good but not rich: some reference may be had in this to previous habits. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The natural cure of consumption, constipation, Bright's disease, neuralgia, rheumatism, colds ...Publication: New York : Fowler & Wells, 1883... vises little or no meat; commends the vegetarian diet, fruits, and a good proportion of whole-meal bread-corn, rye, and wheat. The free use of milk promotes biliousness, in many cases. ...
- ... have an important part in the dietary program. Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies are in- eluded freely in wheat-free and low residue diets. Pep has been enriched with vitamins B, and ...
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