- NLM Digital Collections - Album de la guerre : five hundred photographs, seventy drawings and thirteen articlesPublication: Cleveland, Ohio : Scientific Illustrating Studios, [1919]... In a hollow, yonder, however, there rose a mist of tiny white crosses vibrating in the sunshine ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 1874. xix. 176-179, 2 pi — itloldenlinner. Anato- mist-he Beschreibung eines Acardiacus. Arch. I G\naek_, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Commentaries on the history and cure of diseasesPublication: Philadelphia : Ed. Barrington and Geo. D. Haswell, 1845... to hypo- chondriac and hysteric persons, and to breeding women, and fevers ... thence to the head, by a mist and flashes of light, spasms, and pains of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Commentaries on the history and cure of diseasesPublication: Boston : Printed by Wells and Lilly, 1818... to hypochondriac and hy- steric persons, and to breeding women, and fevers ... thence to the head, by a mist, and flashes of light, spasms, and pains of ...
- ... Workshops in Colleges 4 Summary 6 SOME UNUSUAL BREEDING PLACES OF ANOPHELES QUADRIMACULATUS 7 HEADQUARTERS NOTES 10 ... colleges through- out the state. 6 SOME UNUSUAL BREEDING PLACES of Anopheles quadrimaculatus By San. (R) T. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Mosquitoes : how they live : how they carry disease : how they are classified : how they may ....Publication: New York : McClure, Phillips & Co., 1901... larvae. A pint of kero- sene stopped the breeding, and as the water was drawn from a ... of and indifference to the subject of the breeding-places, was at that time—and it was ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Manual of the Medical Department of the United States NavyPublication: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1942... presence of adult males and females indicates nearby breeding places. Female mosquitoes have preference according to species ... to determine effectiveness of the measures adopted. (b) Breeding places.—The following list is indicative (in general) ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Manual of the Medical Department of the United States NavyPublication: Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943... prosence of adult males and females indicates nearby breeding places. Female mosquitoes have preference according to species ... to determine effectiveness of the measures adopted. (b) Breeding places.—The following list is indicative (in general) ...
- ... larvicidal effect for longer periods. However, the chief breeding areas were of a nature %wh1 ch did ... water remains. One bag will continue to control breeding for many weeks and no .-dditional oiling is ...
- ... houseflies depends on knowing their habits, ruining their breeding places, destroying their larvae and killing the adults. In this, prevention of breeding is the most effective part of a fly- ...
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