- NLM Digital Collections - Medicines, their uses and mode of administration : including a complete conspectus of the ...Publication: New-York : Harper & Bros., 1851... Infusum Senna, comp., E. (Senna, 3i. ; tamarinds, §i. ; coriander seeds, bruised, 3i.; brown sugar, §ss.; boiling water, f^ ... of each, Ibss. L.); prunes, fbss. (ibj., E.) ; coriander, giv.; liquorice root (bruised, E.), z'lij.; sugar, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The essentials of materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: New York : Wood, 1865... Foeniculum . . . . . . . . . 243 A qua Foeniculi ......... 243 Cyminum .......... 243 Coriandrum .......... 244 Oleum Coriandri ......... 244 Carui ........... 244 " Oleum . . . ... . . . .244 ... water. t Infusum Gentiana; Compositum contains spirit and coriander, but no lemon-peel. Infusum Quassia? is made ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A universal formulary : containing the methods of preparing and administering officinal and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1850... Compound Tincture of Calamus. R. Contused calamus ginger coriander Black pepper, each, one ounce Alcohol two pints ... root one ounce sassafras bark half an ounce coriander seeds three drachms lime water six pints Macerate ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A universal formulary : containing the methods of preparing and administering officinal and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1859... R. American senna, one ounce and a half. Coriander seed, bruised, one drachm. Boiling water, one pint. ... parts. Calcined magnesia, five parts. 206 COPT IS � CORIANDRUM. Mix, and let the mixture i*and till ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dispensatory, or commentary on the pharmacopoeias of Great Britain and the United States : ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1848... Limonum, do. by distillation, Cochlearia Armoracia,—fresh seeds, - - - - * Coriandrum sativum,—dry fruit of French commerce, Coriandrum sativum,—dry fruit of German commerce, Croton Eleutheria,— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An introduction to practical pharmacy : designed as a text-book for the student, and as a ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1859... buchu, armoracise (with mustard-seed, §j), senna? (with coriander, 3J)> Tonic.—Better made with cold water. Tonic. ... to Oj. Tonic. |ss to Oj. -|-Bitter orange-peel, coriander, dil. alcohol.—Tonic. gj to Oj. Demulcent. The ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medicines, their uses and mode of administration : including a complete conspectus of the ...Publication: New-York : Harper & Bros., 1844... Cocculus Indicus . Picrotoxin Unguentum Cocculi, E. Unguentum Picrotoxin Coriandrum Cuminum Cyminum Daucus Carota Cataplasma Dauci, D. Dianthus ... of rhubarb, bruised, 1 oz.; senna, 2 drachms; coriander and fennel seed, bruised, each, 1 drachm; red ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutick chemistry, ...Publication: Boston : Wait, 1821... of water, with the addition of a few coriander seeds, to cover its flavour, and obviate griping. ... sold by the confectioners under the name of coriander comfits. Their taste is moderately warm. Like caraway, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A cyclopaedia of six thousand practical receipts, and collateral information in the arts, ...Publication: New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1851... ANISETTE DE BOURDEAUX. Ing. Ani- seed 4 oz.; coriander and sweet fennel seeds, of each, 1 oz.; ... and grains of paradise, (in concentrated, tinctures,) ginger, corianders, orange-peel, and caraways; to give intoxicating properties— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A system of materia medica and pharmacyPublication: New-York : Wood, 1821... Amomum zingiber. Amomum zedoaria. Amomum repens. Carum carui. Coriandrum sativum, PlMPINELLA ANISUM. Mentha piperita. 163 TONICS. TONICS ... Dub.�Aq. Car. Lond. �01. Car. Lond. Dub. Coriandrum sativum. Coriander. Pentand. Digyn. Umbtllat<e. Semen. South ...
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