- NLM Digital Collections - The London medical dictionary: including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, viz....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Mitchell, Ames, and White ; William Brown, printer, 1819... oval shaped like a walnut, and contains oblong black seeds. The tree is a native of America, and ... are followed by broAvnish pods, containing flattish shining black seeds; the root is thick at the top, Avith ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine, according to the plan most approved by the reformed or botanic ...Publication: Mt. Vernon [Ohio] : Published by the author, printed by E.J. Ellis, 1847... a cars-. - :>Mi RHUS GLABRUM. containing two oblong black seeds, does not ripen until the following summer. Locality ... dock root................3 do. Dandelion root..........................2 do. ... or seeds...................2 do. Bassafins bark of the root................2 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... white ; stigmas linear, spreading. Berry soft, fleshy, violet-black. Seeds (nucules) pale, plane-convex : albumen horny. (Condensed from ... Fruit oval, obtuse. Sarco- carp succulent. Putamen yellowish-black. Seeds sweet.—On the same branch the fruit is ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on materia medica, pharmacology, and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, 1889-91... experience to be the most convenient to facilitate reference and study. ... bright-red color, with a black spot at the liilum. They con- tain mucilage, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1874... 1557 Black mercurial lotion 1277 Black mustard 808 Black mustard seeds 809 Black nightshade 368 Black oxide of copper ... papers (note) 812, 813 Mustard poultice 1076 Mustard seeds, black 809 Mustard seeds, white 809 Mustard, volatile oil ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Encyclopaedia Americana: a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1830-33... producing white cotton with green seeds; and the black seed cotton. The two first kinds grow in the ... invented by Mr. Whitney, is used for the black-seed cot- ton, the seeds of wliich adhere too ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The home physician, or, A treatise upon the cure of diseases by the botanical system of ...Publication: Louisville, Ky. : Printed at Dana's Office, 1832... are yellow; after which come long pods, enclosing black seeds; the roots long, reddish external- . ly, and yellow ... of the part. MATERIA MEDICA. 2.15 MUSTARD, BLACK AND WHITE. Sinapis Nigra. Musturd seed, ground ancl mixed with vinegar, and taken with ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A short sketch of the author's life, and adventures from his youth until 1818, in the first ...Publication: Versailles, Ky. : Printed by John H. Wilkins ..., 1825... and (. concentrated vitriolic acid. Jerusalem oak or worm seed. Black alder. Ardent spirits. Garlick. Pure alloes. Marsh mallow. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A conspectus of the medical sciences : comprising manuals of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea, 1874... Seeds small, blackish exter- nally, Avhitish within, resemble black mustard seed ; taste bit- ter, acrid ; less apt than the ... lants.) Fi< Sinapis. Mustard. Two varieties, white and black—the seeds of Sinapis alba and S. nigra, respect- ively. They ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the surgery of the alimentary canal : comprising the oesophagus, the stomach, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blakiston, 1896... with a pair of forceps proved to be black seeds. Other endeavours were then made, and about half ...
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