- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of chemistry : on the basis of Dr. Turner's Elements of chemistry : containing, in a ...Publication: Philadelphia : Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1846... verb w^i, to go. Anio> s are the ions which appear at the anode, and are usually termed the electro- negative ingredients of a compound, such as oxygen, chlorine, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... les phenomenes d'entralnement et le transport des ions par l'eiectricite statique. Arch, d'elec- tric m6d., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 43-47.—Buchanan (R.) Negative electro-ionization. J. Am. Ass. Med.-Phys. Re- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A history of wartime research and development of medical field equipment (Part 2)Publication: [Washington, D.C.] : War Department, Office of the Surgeon General, 30 June 1946... the addition: to equipment, lists a PS-75 Generator (Signal Corps-item), a Surgical. Operating Tent (Quartermaster item), and a.-1-ton, 3-wheel. ,p.. cargo trailer (Ordnance item); (-2) ..reduct ion 'of Army Air ' Sorce hulk allotment of the. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Manual of naval hygiene and sanitationPublication: Washington, D. C. : Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, [1949-]... power of acids is dependent upon the hydrogen ion concentration. Some acids, such as salicylic, 322 benzoic and boric have negative radicals that are germicidal. In the series of ...
- ... briquette factory worker), Mtillschitzky (tar worker). This predominantly negative information aeateante sharply with ob- servations made among Japanese generator gas oven workers employed in steel plants and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Electricity in the diseases of women : with special reference to the application of strong ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, 1890... mural fibroids.................. 135 Intrauterine cauterization............... 55 ... (negative polarization of nerve) .... 50 Kathode (negative pole)................ 9 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical technology, or, Chemistry in its applications to arts and manufactures (Volume 4)Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1889-1903... plate connected to the positive terminal of the generator combined with the lead to form peroxide of lead (PbO2), while hydrogen was liberated on that connected to the negative, and escaped in bubbles, the lead being unaffected. ...
- ... very little growth was obtained, but no consistent negative cultures were noted, 2. Hemolytic Streptococci ~ In the tubes stored at 37 degrees, no growth could be obtained, even in the controls., This is in line with the observat- ions of Tillett, on.the Bacteriocidal Properties of Human ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A textbook of chemistry for nursesPublication: St. Louis : C.V. Mosby Company, 1923... to determine when a reaction has been completed. Ion. An electrically charged atom or group of atoms. They may be either positive, called cations; or negative, called anions. Isomeric. Two compounds are isomeric when ...
- ... a direction opposite to that during charging, the ions are liberated on the opposite plates. On the positive plate, which was formerly the negative electrode, the chemical change is as follows: Pb02 + ...
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