- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on diseases of the sexual system : adapted to popular and professional reading, ...Publication: New York : Ring, 1847... will not inoculate an uninfected person. Yet the ulcer- ation of the child's mouth not only produces ulceration of the nipples, but the whole train of symptoms belong- ing to the disease? The mouth then ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Seaman's medical guide : containing the symptoms, causes, and treatment of diseases, and ...Publication: Boston : Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834... disease wil£gradually manifest itself in various constitutional symptoms, as ulcers in the mouth and throat, pains in the limbs, ulcers on ... to keep up a slight soreness of the mouth, for a longer or shorter period, ... for several days after the ulcers are healed. In mild cases, it will be ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Renal therapeutics including also, A study of the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, and medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, 1898... a head mirror. It is a narrow, grayish ulcer, similar to a narrow aphthous spot in the mouth. The primary symptoms are pain on urination, lasting tenesmus after urination, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A pocket manual, or repertory of homoeopathic medicine : alphabetically and nosologically ...Publication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, [1851]... voice). See : VOICE, and HOARSENESS. APHTHAE (thrush, sore mouth). Diagnosis. White, spongy, and sloughy ulcers in the mouth, and on the tongue, fauces, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A pocket manual, or, Repertory of homeopathic medicine : alphabetically and nosologically ...Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, 1893... See : VOICE, and HOARSE- NESS. APHTHJE (thrush, sore mouth). Diagnosis. White, spongy, and sloughy ulcers in the mouth, and on the tongue, fauces, and palate; sometimes ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of the practice of medicine : prepared especially for studentsPublication: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1894... etc. (6) Rupture of an aneurism. (7) Gastric ulcer. (8) Gastric cancer. (9) Swallowing of blood from nose, mouth, or throat. (10) Hysteria. Diagnosis. Hematem'sis.—Blood is often clotted and mixed ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The science and practice of medicine (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston, 1872... of Physicians, namely-(a.) Superficial ulcer; (b.) Perforating ulcer. The Symptoms are, offensive discharge from the nose and mouth, with a constant desire to expectorate the secretion ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the venereal diseasePublication: Philadelphia : Published by J. Webster, no. 10, South Eighth Street ; W. Brown, printer, Prune Street, 1818... be allowed to remark, that, Avhere the venereal symptoms have been ulcers in the mouth or throat, I have suspected that the mercury ... venereal. The . progress of the ulceration in the mouth, which was the ... much too rapid for the venereal ulcer in com- mon; for it must be considered, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Homoeopathic domestic medicinePublication: New-York : William Radde, 1848... white specks or vesicles on the tonsils ; indolent ulcers in the throat ;) (Angina aphthosa ;) offensive odour from the mouth, aggravation of symptoms at night, when speaking, and in the evening ; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Homoeopathic domestic medicinePublication: New-York : William Radde, 1850... specks or vesicles on the tonsils ; (indo- lent ulcers in the throat;) (Angina aphthosa ;) offensive odour from the mouth, aggravation of symptoms at night, when speaking, and in the evening; ...
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