- NLM Digital Collections - Memoranda from a course of lectures on surgery delivered in the University of Pennsylvania, ...Publication: Produced: 1811-1812... no relief from the usual remedies. Suspecting an ulcer in the neck of the bladder, I ordered mercury till the mouth became sore, and all the symptoms vanished. In another person all the usual symptoms ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Therapeutics of homoeopathy, or, Outlines of successful homoeopathic curesPublication: New-York : W. Radde, 1846... I, with two drachms of distilled water. Gangrenous ulcer on the toe, oc- casioned by a shock. Symptoms: Mouth and throat are quite dry; rustling sen- sation ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Therapeutic guide : the most important results of more than forty years' practice : with ...Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, 1876... paralyzed, Rhus l, Ars., Carbo veg., Mur. ac; ulcers in the mouth, Mur. ac, Ars., Carbo veg.; gastric symptoms (nausea, eructations, vomiting), Bry., Phosph. ac, Rhus I, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Therapeutic guide : the most important results of more than forty years' practice with ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.E. Boericke, 1883... paralyzed, Rhus t., Ars., Carbo veg., Mur. ac.; ulcers in the mouth, Mur. ac., Ars., Carbo veg.; gastric symptoms (nausea, eructations, vomiting), Bry., Phosph, ac., Rhus L, ...
- ... crossed out ] by the Antients calld round Superfici- Ulcers in the mouth well. rather understand em- by pustules - Symptoms - preceded by great Anxiety oppress- of breathg- sleepiness ...
- NLM Digital Collections - American modern practice : or, a simple method of prevention and cure of diseases, according ....Publication: Boston : Published by Ezra Read, 1817... tendency of the humours, and to cleanse the ulcers of the mouth and throat. Should therefore, the inflammatory symptoms not run high, or these having sub- sided, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - American modern practiec [i.e. practice], or, A simple method of prevention and cure of ...Publication: Boston : Cottons & Barnard, 1826... tendency of the humours, and to cleanse the ulcers of the mouth and throat. Should, therefore, the inflammatory symptoms not run high, or these having subsided, the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Sexual diseases of men and cures without drugs : including lost manhood, gonorrhoea, syphilis,...Publication: St. Louis, Mo. : W.F. Ross, c1896... colored), falling out of the hair and eyebrows, ulcers and mucous patches in the mouth and throat. These secondary symptoms last six to eighteen months. The tertiary symptoms ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The homoeopathic domestic medicinePublication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, 1877... specks or superficial ulcers on the tonsils; indolent ulcers in the throat; offensive odor from the mouth ; aggravation of the symptoms at night, from the act of speaking, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The new cyclopaedia of family medicine : our home physician, a popular guide to the art of ...Publication: New York : Treat, 1881... with Antimonium tart, where cough is the prominent symptom. Mercurius.—Glandular swellings in the neck, ulcers in the mouth and throat, bilious diarrhea, dysenteric stools, etc. Sulphur.— ...
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