- NLM Digital Collections - Prices current of drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, proprietary medicines, ...Publication: New York : [s.n.], 1884... inflata) .Ib. 30 “ Turnip (Arum triphyllum) Ib 30 Indigo, Wild (Baptisia tinctoria) .lb. 30 Ink Root (Statice Caroliniana) .Ib. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Prices current of drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, proprietary medicines, ...Publication: New York : [s.n.], 1897... inflata) .Ib. 20 “ Turnip (Arum triphyllum) Ib 30 Indigo, Wild (Baptisia tinctoria) .lb. 25 Ink Root (Statice" Caroliniana) Ib ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lilly's hand book of pharmacy and therapeuticsPublication: Indianapolis : Eli Lilly, 1888... Water avens. BALM Lemon Balm. Balsamodendron Myrrha Myrrh. Baptisia tinctoria ! Wild Indigo. Barosma betuliua Buchu. Benzoin odoriferum Fever-bush. Berberis ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text book of materia medica, pharmacology, and special therapeutics : with many new ...Publication: Chicago : W.T. Keener, 1889... water, but should be less in fresh wounds. Baptisia Tinctoria—Wild Indigo. This plant is indigenous to many parts of ... Baptism is the active medical principle of the baptisia tinctoria or wild indigo. This article does not seem to have a ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American cyclopaedia of domestic medicine and household surgery: a reliable guide for ...Publication: Chicago : Kingsley, 1880... CINNAMON. (See Canella Alba.) WILD GINGER. (See Asarum.) WILD INDIGO. (See Baptisia Tinctoria.) WILD IPECAC. (See Triosteum Perfoliatum. ) WILD JESSAMINE. (See Gelseminum ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... The hotel accommodates two hundred. G. B. F. INDIGO, WILD (Baptisia tinctoria, R. Br. ; Order, Leguminosa), a bushy perennial ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The secrets of health : or how not to be sick and how to get well from sicknessPublication: New York : Judd, 1895... and dysentery every two to four hours. 27. Baptisia Tinctoria, Wild Indigo, Indigo Broom, Rattle Bush Horsefly Weed, Indigofera.-For ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry, general, medical, and pharmaceutical : including the chemistry of the U.S. ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1899... gives this name to a poisonous alkaloid in Baptisia tinctoria, wild indigo, in which he also finds the gluco- sides ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Homoeopathic materia medica of the new remedies : their botanical description, medical ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : E. A. Lodge, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 1867... pain is felt on drawing a long breath, BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. (Wild Indigo.) Analogues : Bryonia, Agaricus, Kali cldoricum, Nitric acid Rhus ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hull's Jahr, A new manual of homoeopathic practicePublication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, 1879... the balsam, to be applied night and morning.'' BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. (Wild Indigo.) Compare with— Carbonate of Ammonia, Bryonia, Rhus-tox, ... reference to the cura- tive sphere of the Wild Indigo: " In a former number ... pathology of Baptisia, aided by clinical experience, points as its sphere ...
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