- ... Hughes (page 44) reports several cases in which aesculus hip. was en- tirely successful; Drs. C. H. Lee, George Logan, E. M. Hale, A. A. Ban- croft, T. C. Duncan, Cuthbert and L. B. Wells, also verify the action of the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 1908, 5. s., ix, 745-752—Hau- man-Merck (L.). Les parasites vegetaux des plantes cul- tivees en Argentine. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1915, xliii, 420-454.—MarkowsW (A.). Botrytis cinerea als Parasit auf Aesculus parvifiora Walt, und Aescu- lus Hippocastanum; (zugleich ein ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medicinal plants: an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.C. Yorston & Co., 1892... salts with acids." Githagin.- Specific saponin, described under Aesculus Hippocastanum, page 43-4. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION The seeds ... LUS,* LINN. SEX. SYST.-HEPTANDR IA MONOGYNIA. 43 AESCULUS HIPPO- CASTANUM. HORSE CHESTNUT. SYN.-AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM, LINN.; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine, or, The specific art of healingPublication: Chicago : Keener, 1888... baptisia and eucalyptus in typhoid fever and diphtheria; aesculus in haem- orrhoids, hamamelis, in varicoses; apocynum cannbinum ... effects of baptisia in a sep- tic diathesis; aesculus in haemorrhoids; hamamelis in varicosus; apocynum cannab. in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicinePublication: Chicago : Gross and Delbridge, 1895, c1894... local varicosis. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 211 Aesculus, sepia, sulphur, nux vomica, aloe, and collinsonia when ... 4:14 THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. indicated are aesculus, aloe, collinsonia, podophyllum, nux vomica,. and sulphur. In ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chronological history of plants : man's record of his own existence illustrated through their ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1879... Brown jun.). Transported to Europe, described by Agardh. * Aesculus Californica of California. The California horse-chestnut, its ... pear tree ” (Pyrus kwarin (Pyrus Chinensis),” “ horse chestnut” (Aesculus ....), “ mukurogi, (Sapindus imikurosi), momiji, (Acer polymorphum),” “shirakuchi (Actinidia ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The natural history of Pliny (Volume 3)Publication: London : Henry G. Bohn, MDCCCLV-MDCCCLVII... see growing everywhere, but not so with the aesculus ;** while a fourth kind, known as the cerrua, ... called " rouvre" by the French. 44 The Quercus aesculus of Linnaeus. It is not improbable that this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - New remedies : their pathogenetic effects and therapeutical application in homoeopathic ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : E.A. Lodge, [1864]... as well as in this country. The name aesculus was originally applied to a species of oak, ... massiveness of outline. Order,—IIippocastanacae (sapindaceae, Gray,) ; genus, aesculus; species, hippocastanum. Leaves opposite, digitate, of seven obovate- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dynamical therapeutics : a work devoted to the theory and practice of specific medication : ...Publication: San Francisco, Cal. : Webster Medical Pub. Co., [c1898]... remedy with the more specifically local-plastic -remedy: aesculus, or collinsonia. We can make this differentiation then ... portion of the plant is the part used. AEsculus Hippocastanum ; Horse Chestnut.-A native of Europe, but ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Collections for an essay towards a materia medica of the United States : read before the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed, for the author, by Way & Groff, 1798... and other writers, recommended the bark of the Æsculus Hippocastanum, or Common Horse- Chesnut, as a substitute ... assemblage of properties; but of this I am * Æsculus Pavia of Linnæus, and Æsculus flava of Aiton. ( ...
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