- NLM Digital Collections - The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion (1861-65) (Volume 2, Part 1)Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1870-88... which was controlled by pills of opium and camphor. The next day the pulse had risen to ... connection with local applications, acetate of opium in camphor water was employed by which the degree of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A conspectus of the pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1852... Hlv. to fllxv. rubbed up with sugar and camphor mixture. Off. Prep. Tinetura Opii Ammoniata, E. Tinct. ... The same as other essential oils, with some camphor. Prop. Odor very fragrant, and taste like that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion (1861-65) (Volume 1, Part 2)Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1870-88... He was treated at first with pills of camphor and opium, but as the discharges from the ... The diarrhoea was about the same. Substituted Parrish's camphor mixture and laudanum. November 11th, the patient complained ...
- ... and varied powers of the Peruvian bark, ammonia, camphor, cayenne pepper, &c. &c, can we doubt that ... and suitable than ardent spirits. Ammonia, cayenne pepper, camphor, laudanum, together with exter- nal applications of mustard, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Der Haus-Arzt : zum Gebrauche von Familien, Pflanzern, Seeleuten und Reisenden : enthaltend ...Publication: Boston : Bradley & Co., 1871... 52. Bryonia. 53. Calcaria carb. 54. Calendula. 55. Camphor. 56. Capsicum. 57. Cantharis. 58. Cannabis sativa. 59. ... nebft Sopfmefj oerarfadjt, fo gebe man entmeber Ferrum, Camphor, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla ober Sulphur in ber gemofjnlidjen ©obe ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Encyclopaedia Americana: a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1830-33... by a gentle heat, with a drachm of camphor, and, while these are mixing together, adding, by ... twelve parts; pure turpentine, one and a half; camphor in bits, one half; crystal glass, ground, five ; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The physician's prescription book : containing lists of the terms, phrases, contractions and ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1865... Sevo et Adipesimul liquefact. pauloantequam concresc. Lytt. et Camphor, insperg., atque omnia misce utfiat emplast. epispast. regioni ... lard being melted together, sprinkle the cantharides and camphor upon them a short time before they concrete, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Human physiology (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1850... of alcohol diluted with water; and solutions of camphor, and other odorous fluids: on examining the chyle, ... madder, rhubarb, cochineal, litmus, alkanet, camboge, verdigris, musk, camphor, alcohol, spirits of turpentine, Dippel's animal oil, asafoetida, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical warfare agents and related chemical problems (Parts 1-2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of Scientific Research and Development, National Defense Research Committe, Division 9, 1946... d-eamphor-lO-sulfonate 10 335. Triethvllead d-camphor-lO-sulfonatc 20 mp 172“ 20 330. Triethvllead ... 15 150. Dipropvllhalliuin ethoxide 15 157- Dipropyllhallium-d-camphor-l 0-sulfonate 15 15 158. Diisopropylthallium chloride ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Observations on diseases incident to seamen: whether employed on, or retired from actual ...Publication: London : Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, by R. Wilks, 1807... that the fever was far more obfti- * i^! Camphor, gr. iv. Opii, gr. ss—gr. i. ut visum, ... pulfe was very fmall, and he was coftive.—Camphor, gr. v. h. f. cepit. I fufpeded .that ...
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