- NLM Digital Collections - The principles and practice of medicinePublication: Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1844... in this state, by a large dose of camphor;—a scruple of camphor given every three or four hours. It is ... by the mouth and anus, is very proper. Camphor and musk are more or less serviceable for ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise containing a plan for the internal organization and government of marine hospitals,...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed for the author, and sold only by him, 1817... amnion, pur. Aq. litharg. acet, Argent nitrat. Calomel, Camphor, . . . Ceiu flav. . . • Cerat. lap. calam. Cerussa. acetat. Cinchon. ... 4 8 Ardent, nitrat. . 1 4 Calomel, . . } 8 Camphor, . . 12 . Cera flav. . . 3 Cerat. lap. calam. . 6 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Gray's prescriptionist : a treatise on the art of reading and compounding physicians' ...Publication: Chicago, Ill. : Gray & Co., 1896... gr. Sulphite, %-h gr. Calumbo, 5-30 gr. Camphor, 1-10 gr. Camphormonobromate, 1-5 gr. Cannabis ... a solid with another solid, as chloral and camphor; or a gas dis- solved in liquid, as ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The people's common sense medical adviser in plain English : or, Medicine simplifiedPublication: Buffalo, N.Y. : World's Dispensary Printing Office and Bindery, 1880... from simple household remedies, such as SAvect-oil, camphor and oil, glycerine, a roasted onion or a ... bromide of potash dissolved in an ounce of camphor Avater each night. Fomenta- tions, applied to the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry for dental students (Volume 2)Publication: London : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1923... portions of hot water. Exp. 78. Preparation of camphor sulphonic acid. In a small beaker place 10 ... grams of cam- phor. Stir until all the camphor is dissolved. Let stand at room temperature for ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A short sketch of the author's life, and adventures from his youth until 1818, in the first ...Publication: Versailles, Ky. : Printed by John H. Wilkins ..., 1825... toad. Shepherds purse. Sulphate of copper. Barberry. Sweetflag. Camphor, or Camphtre; Cancer. Spanish flies. Pu e charcoal. ... a? ruh» ( 390 ) out of pine trees) fetherfew, camphor, bees wax, English rosin and water, and stewed ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The principles of midwifery: including the diseases of women and children (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Benjamin Warner, Edward & Richard Parker, Mathew Carey & Son, Benjamin & Thomas Kite, Solomon W. Conrad, Anthony Finley, and Moses Thomas ; J.R.A. Skerrett, printer, 1817... followed by oily potions, and bark, combined with camphor. Mr. Whyte is against blood-letting. He gives ... employs laxatives, and in the end bark and camphor. Dr. Hull considers this disease as simple peritoneal ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise containing a plan for the internal organization and government of marine hospitals ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed for the author ; sold by Edward Parker ... and Philip H. Nicklin ..., 1814... litharg acet. . 2 4 Argent nitrat. Calomel, . 12 Camphor, . . 6 Cera flav . . 18 Cerat lap. calam. . 3 ... 6 Calomel, 10 Sp. lavend comp. 7 4 Camphor, 5 Sp. vin. rect. 1 4 Cera flav. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical department of the United States Army in the world war (Volume 2)Publication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1921-1929... as iodine and the iodides, sulphur, boric acid, camphor, and the vegetable cathar- tics. Estimates were made ... cold water and dusted with foot powder containing camphor if obtainable, and that the feet and lower ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An inquiry into the nature and treatment of the prevailing epidemic, called spotted fever, &c....Publication: Boston : Published and sold by Bradford & Read, no. 58, Cornhill ; 1815 ; George Hough, printer, Concord, New-Hampshire, [1815]... readily operate, a fmall dofe of opium and camphor, or brandy, will often excite the action of ... difeafe ; very fmall portions of calomel, opium, and camphor, aa. may be given fix or eight times ...
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