- ... 567.450 Hamstring Muscles A02.633.567.500 Laryngeal Muscles A02.633.567.600 Masticatory Muscles A02.633. ... 329.597.320 Goblet Cells A04.329.604 Laryngeal Muscles A04.411 Lung A04.411.125 Bronchi A04. ...
- ... 567.400...........................................Facial Muscles A02.633.567.500...........................................Laryngeal Muscles A02.633.567.600...........................................Masticatory Muscles A02.633. ...
- ... Deltoid Muscle Facial Muscles Gracilis Muscle Hamstring Muscles Laryngeal Muscles Masticatory Muscles Masseter Muscle Pterygoid Muscles Temporal Muscle ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An index of diseases, their symptoms, and treatment : arranged in alphabetical order for easy ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blakiston, 1882... beginning with a Faradic current. Paralysis of the Laryngeal Muscles.—Three methods of electrical treat- ment are applicable ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical medicine : designed for the use of students and practitioners of ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1884... greatest number. The diaphragm, lumbar, intercostal, cervical, and laryngeal muscles, and those of the eye are the favorite ... a nasal twang to the voice. If the laryngeal muscles become weakened and closure of the glottis im- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual for the practice of surgeryPublication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea, 1879... of the disease, the first spasm of the laryngeal muscles took place, which destroyed life. ON TRISMUS AND ... is caused by suffocation from spasm of the laryngeal muscles. It is also fairly recognized that this disease ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practitioner's manual : a condensed system of medical diagnosis and treatmentPublication: New York : Wood, 1899... pain. From oedema of the larynx; paralysis of laryngeal muscles; hysterical aphonia. (See under these headings.) Treatment.—Inhalation ... drink often result in painful spasms of the laryngeal muscles. In the second or spasmodic stage the spasms ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A repertory of Hering's guiding symptoms of our materia medicaPublication: Philadelphia : Davis, 1897... Acet. ae; caused by spasms of bronchial and laryngeal muscles, ITabae Breathing, hoarse : respiration, in croup, IHep.; in ... to the open window, with paralytic symptoms of laryngeal muscles, Plumb. 86T Asthma, spasmodic ; also, Chap. 25, Glottis, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new pronouncing dictionary of medicine : being a voluminous and exhaustive hand-book of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed by Edward Stern and Co., Philad[elphi]a : W.B. Saunders, 913 Walnut Street, 1892... Spasmodic croup. Asthma thymicum. A spasm of the laryngeal muscles, which are sup- plied by the recurrent laryngeal ... Tubercular lar- yngitis. Laryngople'gia. Paralysis of the laryngeal muscles. Laryngorrhce'a. A copious flow of mucous or ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of human physiology : especially adapted for the use of medical studentsPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1896... of producing vocal sounds by paralysis of the laryngeal muscles, without, however, interfering with the respiratory movements of ... tongue: hypoglossal, or 12th pair. Motor nerve to laryngeal muscles: spinal accessory, or nth pair. TABLE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ...
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