- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816... couch the capital part of the operation is perl formed; for here the barley spontaneously heats, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... or Corrigeen moss, (F.) Mousse d'hlande, M. perl'ee. This Fucus of the Natural Family Algsc, ... all sides, round about.' An augmentative prefix. Hence: PERl^E'RESIS, from tt^i, 'about,' and aigEtu, ' ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise explanation of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1853... desire of procreating. ORGE, Rage. ORGE, Hordeum — o. PerlS, see Hordeum. ORGEAT, Syrupus amygdalae. ORGELET, Hordeolum. ORGEOLET, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... mit Schild- driisenpraparaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Perl 1*99 xxv, 1; 23.-Gravvitz (E.) Beitrag ... icben Anstalten. Mo- natschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Cyniik., Perl., 19U5, xxi. 461-481 — Keiflfer (J. H.) L' ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc, 1894-98, 14-8.—Perl, R. E. Ein Beitrag zur Verwendungsmoglichkeit der Bakterio- ... 1927-28, 58: 645-61—Taufel, K., & Gam- perl, G. Ueber die Sterine der Gerste und ihrer ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise explanation of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1857... kanet, Little-wale, (F.) Gremil officinal, Herbe mix Perl.es. Ord. Boragineae. The seeds of this plant ... of Perkinism. PERKINISTIC. Relating or belonging to Perkinism. PERL A. Pearl, Paralampsis. PERLE. Pearl. PERMISTIO. Coition. PERMIXTIO, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1899... Crispus; Carragaheen, Mousse marine pertee, Fr.; Irlandisches Moos, Perl- moos, Knorpeltang, G. Gigartina. Gen. Ch. Fronds fleshy, ... investigated by Dreser (Therap. Monat., 1898) and Strube [Perl. Klin. Wochen., 1898), who find that it acts ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A complete pronouncing medical dictionary : embracing the terminology of medicine and the ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1890... States. Two species are cultivated for ornament, — Wistaria frutescens, which is indigenous, and W. Sinensis, a native ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816... up the number, in case they are pro- perl v qualified. c'lRCLMVALLATION, or line of circumvallation, ... to grease it, to wipe off tlie su- perl'uous grease, and then spread the amalgam. One ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Quincy's Lexicon-medicum : a new medical dictionary, containing an explanation of the terms ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Benjamin Warner, M. Carey & Son, and Edward Parker, 1817... by it the diaphragm. Perla. (Ital. and Span, perl, Welch, perlen, Germ.) See Margarita. Perls. See Margnrita. PERNIO. A ktbc or chilblain. A ...
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