- NLM Digital Collections - The Philadelphia medical dictionary : containing a concise explanation of all the terms used ....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson; Thomas and George Palmer, printers, 1808... wormwood, rue, and angelica distilled in milk. Aqua liberans, aqua calcis magis com- posita. .iqua lithargyri acetati, ... frankincense. Liber, the inner bark of a tree. Liberans aqua, compound lime wa- ter. Libido, the itch; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Philadelphia medical dictionary: containing a concise explanation of all the terms used ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., 1817... frankincense. Liber, the inner bark of a tree. Liberans aqua, compound lime wa- ter. Libido, the itch; ... Ceylon. Ninddn, "J Ninzen, I species of the ginseng. Ninzin, J Nirles, the measles; a Scotch term. ...
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