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2,032 results
  1. Looking for heartburn remedies? Find out more about heartburn (pyrosis) and how to relieve this type of indigestion. ... Heartburn is a painful burning feeling in your chest or throat. It happens when stomach acid backs ...
  2. Heartburn 4 important heartburn facts you should know about Dr. John Pandolfino talks triggers, weight loss, and complications Despite what it's called, heartburn— ...
  3. Heartburn What’s new in heartburn research? Imaging advances help doctors better understand long-term treatment needs Working with NIH's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive ...
  4. Heartburn Heartburn: What you need to know Heartburn is a burning feeling in your chest or throat. Despite its ... a meal leading to multiple reflux events. Is heartburn serious? Occasional heartburn isn't a cause for ...
  5. Heartburn Finding her voice: A teacher’s heartburn experience Laurie Hayes never expected acid reflux was causing her hoarseness For nearly 20 years, Laurie Hayes struggled with losing her voice. ...
  6. Heartburn Acid reflux, Heartburn, and GERD: What’s the difference? You feel something rising in your throat. It burns and tastes acidic. Now you ... is also referred to as GER (gastroesophageal reflux). Heartburn: The symptom Acid reflux causes heartburn, which is ...
  7. What to ask your provider about heartburn and reflux; Reflux - what to ask your provider; GERD - what to ask your provider; Gastroesophageal reflux disease - what to ask your provider
  8. Heartburn Featured Articles : Heartburn January 27, 2020 Finding her voice: A teacher’s heartburn experience For nearly 20 years, Laurie Hayes struggled with losing ...
  9. Alka-Seltzer® Heartburn ... Sodium bicarbonate is an antacid used to relieve heartburn and acid indigestion. Your doctor also may prescribe ...
  10. Peptic esophagitis; Reflux esophagitis; GERD; Heartburn - chronic; Dyspepsia - GERD ... use Lying down within 3 hours after eating Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux can be caused by or ...
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