![Cocaine Cocaine](http://medlineplus.gov/images/Cocaine2.jpg)
What is cocaine?
Cocaine is a very addictive drug that is made from leaves of the coca plant found in South America. It is mostly available as an illegal drug that some people use to get high. In rare cases, it is also used as a prescription drug for for anesthesia during certain surgeries.
As a street (illegal) drug, cocaine is usually a fine, white, crystal powder. Street dealers sometimes mix it with cornstarch, talcum powder, or flour to make it look like they have more cocaine. That way they can make more money. They may also mix it with other illegal drugs. Another form of the drug is crack cocaine. Crack cocaine has been heated to make it into a rock crystal.
- Cocaine (National Library of Medicine)What is cocaine? Cocaine is a very addictive drug that is made from leaves of the coca plant found in South America. It is mostly ... during certain surgeries. As a street (illegal) drug, cocaine is usually a fine, white, crystal powder. Street ...
- Cocaine withdrawal occurs when someone who has used a lot of cocaine cuts down or quits taking the drug. Symptoms ... even if the user is not completely off cocaine and still has some of the drug in ...
- Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine comes as a white powder, which can be ... a powder or liquid. As a street drug, cocaine can be taken in different ways: Inhaling it ...
- Cocaine is an illegal stimulant drug that affects your central nervous system. Cocaine comes from the coca plant. When used, cocaine ...
- Cocaine/Statistics and Research ... Cocaine ... National Institute on Drug Abuse ... Learn more about the health effects of cocaine, a stimulant drug made from the leaves ...
- Cocaine/Teenagers ... Cocaine ... National Institute on Drug Abuse ... From the National Institutes of Health ... Lesson plans Grades 5-9: Classroom materials for teaching ...
- What Are Cocaine and Crack? (Nemours Foundation)cocaine, crack, coke, stimulants, uppers, powders, coca plant, crack, heated, white pellets, addictive, addictions, snow, blow, toot, nose candy, flake, inhaled, injected, veins, pipes, high, depressed, nervous, cravings, snorting, ...
- Cocaine and Pregnancy (March of Dimes Foundation)Learn about the effects that cocaine may have on pregnancy, and see how you can help ensure mothers are able to make the right choices for their ...
- Cocaine and Pregnancy (Organization of Teratology Information Specialists)Pregnancy and Substance Use/Specifics ... Pregnancy and Substance Use ... Cocaine/Women ... Cocaine ... Organization of Teratology Information Specialists
- Cocaine/Clinical Trials ... Cocaine