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What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. It affects your airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. When you have asthma, your airways can become inflamed and narrowed. This can cause wheezing, , and tightness in your chest. When these symptoms get worse than usual, it is called an asthma attack or flare-up.

What causes asthma?

The exact cause of asthma is unknown. Genetics and your environment likely play a role in who gets asthma.

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Results 1 - 10 of 1,611 for asthma
  1. Asthma (National Library of Medicine)  
    What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. It affects your airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. When you have asthma, your airways can become inflamed and narrowed. This ...
  2. Asthma in Children (National Library of Medicine)  
    What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. It affects your airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. When you have asthma, your airways can become inflamed and narrowed. This ...
  3. Asthma quick-relief medicines work fast to control asthma symptoms. You take them when you are coughing, wheezing, having trouble breathing, or having an asthma attack. They are also called rescue medicines. Many ...
  4. Control medicines for asthma are medicines you take to control your asthma symptoms. You must use these medicines every day for them to ...
  5. Asthma is a breathing disorder characterized by inflammation of the airways and recurrent episodes of breathing difficulty. These episodes, sometimes referred to as asthma attacks, are triggered by irritation of the inflamed ...
  6. ... do not know whether or not you have asthma , these 4 symptoms could be signs that you ... Other early warning signs of an asthma attack are: Being short-tempered or irritable Feeling nervous or edgy
  7. ... is important to know what things make your asthma worse. These are called asthma "triggers." Avoiding them is your first step toward ...
  8. Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to swell and get narrow. It leads to wheezing, ... Asthma is caused by swelling (inflammation) in the airways. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the ...
  9. Sometimes exercise triggers asthma symptoms. This is called exercise-induced asthma (EIA). The symptoms of EIA are coughing, wheezing, a feeling of tightness ...
  10. Children with asthma may need extra support at school. They may need help from school staff to keep their asthma under control and to be able to do ...
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