An aneurysm is a bulge or "ballooning" in the wall of an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to other parts of the body. If an aneurysm grows large, it can burst and cause dangerous bleeding or even death.
Most aneurysms occur in the aorta, the main artery that runs from the heart through the chest and abdomen. Aneurysms also can happen in arteries in the brain, heart and other parts of the body. If an aneurysm in the brain bursts, it causes a stroke.
- Aneurysms (National Library of Medicine)An aneurysm is a bulge or "ballooning" in the wall of an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that carry ... to other parts of the body. If an aneurysm grows large, it can burst and cause dangerous ...
- Brain Aneurysm (National Library of Medicine)A brain aneurysm is an abnormal bulge or "ballooning" in the wall of an artery in the brain. They are sometimes called berry aneurysms because they are often the size of a ...
- Aortic Aneurysm (National Library of Medicine)An aneurysm is a bulge or "ballooning" in the wall of an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that carry ... to other parts of the body. If an aneurysm grows large, it can burst and cause dangerous ...
- You had a brain aneurysm . An aneurysm is a weak area in the wall of an artery that bulges or balloons out. Once it reaches ...
- Brain aneurysm repair is surgery to correct an aneurysm in or near the brain. This is a weak area ...
- The procedure is most often used to treat aneurysms in the brain. It can also be used ... safer to have surgery to block off the aneurysm before it can rupture. This procedure may be ...
- Hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps (HANAC) syndrome is part of a group of conditions called the COL4A1-related disorders. The conditions ...
- An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel. A thoracic aortic aneurysm occurs in the part of the body's largest ...
- An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a part of an artery due to weakness in the ... It is often not clear exactly what causes aneurysms. Some aneurysms are present at birth (congenital). Defects ...
- An aneurysm is a weak area in the wall of a blood vessel that causes the blood vessel to bulge or balloon out. When an aneurysm occurs in a blood vessel of the brain, ...