- ... Personnel 1985 Jan; 62(1):25—32 Simson S, Wilson LB: Disease prevention, health promotion, and aging: curricular trends. Nurse Educ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Papers and Proceedings of the Surgeon General's Conference on Agricultural Safety and HealthPublication: Centers for Disease Control (U.S.), September 1992... MS D-30 Atlanta, GA 30333 Ms. Katherine Wilson Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion CDC Koger Center, 4102, MS ... Dr. Henry A. Anderson Chief, Environmental and Chronic Disease ... Injury Prevention Unit 1 West Wilson Street, P.O. Box 309 Madison, W! 53701- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Papers and Proceedings of the Surgeon General's Conference on Agricultural Safety and Health ....Publication: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, September 1992... MS D-30 Atlanta, GA 30333 Ms. Katherine Wilson Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion CDC Koger Center, 4102, MS ... Dr. Henry A. Anderson Chief, Environmental and Chronic Disease ... Injury Prevention Unit 1 West Wilson Street, P.O. Box 309 Madison, W! 53701- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Odessa, 1894, v, 84.—Wil- liams (Anna W.)& Wilson (M. A.) Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of vulvo-vaginitis in contagious disease hos- pitals. Collect. Stud. Research Lab. Dep. Health, ...
- ... Henry Lewis, III, President, Florida Memorial University, Mr. Wilson explained much funding for lead poisoning prevention was lost when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proposed the combining of lead ...
- ... 1987 Spring;l(2):56-61 Thornberry OT, Wilson RW, Golden PM: The 1985 health promotion and disease prevention survey. Public Health Rep 1986 Nov-Dec;101( ...
- ... general practice: the use of a risk score. Wilson A, et al. Health Trends 1991; 23(2):69-73 Ischemic heart disease prevention: estimating the impact of interventions [see comments] Rothenberg ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Advice to a wife, and Advice and Counsel to a motherPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1894... bathing the face, night and morning, with sir,,, * "Wilson on Healthy Skin. YOUTH—PREVENTION OF DISEASE, ETC. 391 salt and water—a tablespoonful of ... Book for Nurses in Training. By J. C. Wilson, A.M., M.D , Visiting ... Injuries of the Ear: Their Prevention and Cure. By Charles H. Burnett, A.M., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... heart disease. Minnesota M., 1929, 12: 355-9.—Wilson, R., jr. The prev- alence and prevention of heart disease. South. M. & S., 1927, 89: 151-5.—Wood, J. ... course. Proc. Mavo Clin, 1936, 11: 86-90— Wilson, M.G., Lingg, C, & ... relation to the prevention of rheumatic heart disease. Am. Heart J, 1928- ...
- ... St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics . 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 98. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Birth defects. Down syndrome. www.cdc.gov/ ...
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