- ... meals do you eat per day? How many hours sleep do you get on the average? Do you ... Which of the following do you usually-do to reduce tension and stress? (Check as ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Health insurance coverage and costs at older ages : evidence from the Health and Retirement ...Publication: Washington, D.C. : AARP Public Policy Institute, c2006... or disabled and working no more than 19 hours a week. Totals do not always sum to 100 percent because of ... as disabled and work no more than 19 hours per week. Totals do not always sum to 100 percent because of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Caregiving in the U.S. : 2020 reportPublication: Washington, DC : AARP and National Alliance for Caregiving, May 2020... provide/provided for your [relation], about how many hours do/did you spend in an average week helping them? 2020 Base: Caregivers of Recipient Age ... About how many hours a week, on average, do you work? / When you were last ... week, on average, did you work? 2020 Base: Working Caregivers of Recipient ...
- ... report sitting time, screen time, TV time, and total sedentary time (as minutes/week, hours/week or day, or scores). When measures were combined, the standardized effect of the interventions did not show a statistically significant difference between groups ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Pope's manual of nursing procedurePublication: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1919... in place until it became uncomfortably dry, which, usually, it did Counterirritants 437 not do for several hours; but it is now generally removed when it ...
- ... cigarettes regularly? b) How many cigarettes did you usually smoke per day? c) Why did you stop smoking cigarettes? 5. How many days a week do you eat each of the following foods? Fish : ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Notes for army medical officersPublication: Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1917... Repeat, if necessary. Small quantities of liquid food. Do not remove patient for at least a week.- Temperature usually rises within the first forty- eight hours and may remain at about ioo° for ten ...
- NLM Digital Collections - On the fringe : the substandard benefits of workers in part-time, temporary, and contract jobsPublication: [New York, N.Y.] : Commonwealth Fund, [2005]... time workers are wage and salary workers who do not fall into any of the “nonstandard job” categories and who usually work 35 or more hours per week. Nonstandard workers Temporary help agency workers or agency ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Treatise on the diseases of women : for the use of students and practitionersPublication: New York : Appleton, 1893... morning. The local application caused pain for several hours, and did not ap- pear to do any good. At the end of the week I passed a medium-sized curette into the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Ward Darley : transcript of interviewPublication: Produced: Apr. 8-17, 1968... do this--it was agreed that we could do this. We usually did it twice a year, two weeks at a time, took these courses that the ...
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