- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Arteijo. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1860, vii, 183-249. Artemisia. See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of). Baumann (H. M.) *De artemisia vulgari. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Hermann (CE.) * De artemisia. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... MEMBRANOSjE, Annular ligament of the carpus. ARMOISE BLANC, Artemisia rupestris—a. Estragon, Artemisia dracunculus—a. Ordinaire, Artemisia vulgaris. ARMONIACUM, Ammoniac, gum. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., Fry and Kammerer, printers, 1810... bitterish, corresponding with the smell; effect diaphoretic. 20. Artemisia Pontic a. Absinthium ponticum; herba. Aust. prov. Similar ... with the best effect. 24.0 Materia Medicu ARTEMISIA. Syngenesia Polygamia superfiua.—Nat. ord. Composita discoidece, ARTEMISIA ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., William Fry, printer, 1814... bitterish, corresponding with the smell; effect diaphoretic. 20. Artemisia Pontica. Absinthium ponticum; herba. Aust. prov. Similar to ... Carlina. Arctium. Carthamus. Cynara. Carduus. Ord. Polygamia superflua. Artemisia. Tanacetum. Bellis. Matricaria. Ord. Polygamia superflua. Arnica. Inula. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., William Fry, printer, 1818... bitterish, corresponding with the smei); effect diaphoretic. 20. Artemisia Pontica. Absinthium penticum; herba. Aust. prov. Similar to ... Carlina. Arcitum. Carlhamus. Cynara. Carduus. Ord. PoLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Artemisia. Tanacetum. Bellis. Matricaria. Ord. POLYGAMIA 8UPERFLUA. Arnica. Inula. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1874... the leaves of one or more species of Artemisia. A. C/unensis and A.Indica were indicated ... icines 1727 Artanthe adunea 555 Artanthe elongata 555 Artemisia abrotanum 4 Artemisia absinthium 4 Artemisia Cliinensis 4, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... used as a gargle, in putrid sore throat. Artemisia Abrotanum. Southernwood. The leaves. Artemisia Santonica. Wormseed. The top and seeds. Artemisia Absinthium. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The London medical dictionary: including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, viz....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Mitchell, Ames, and White ; William Brown, printer, 1819... direc- tion of the Edinburgh college is the artemisia vulgaris, Lin. Sp. Plant. 1188. Nat. order composita discoidea. The artemisia has an aromatic smell, and a bitterish taste. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The geographical distribution of animals and plants (Volume 1)Publication: Boston : Little, Brown, 1854-1876... Arnotto, 137. Arrows, foreign, Egyptian, and Nubian, 11. Artemisia arborescens, 71. Artemisia abrotanum, 78. Artemisia absinthium, 54. Artemisia dracunculus, 112. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... reticulata .... Serpentaria. Aristolochia Serpentaria . . . Serpentaria. Artanthe elongata* Matico. Artemisia Absinthium Wormwood. Artemisia frigida Mountain Sage. Artemisia maritima* ...... ...
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