- NLM Digital Collections - Social and cultural problems in wartime (April 1941-March 1942): selected and annotated ...Publication: Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service, 1942... Islam; Yedic Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Lao-Tseism, Taoism, ... the Light of Value Theory, by George W, Hartmann. Now fork, bar Resistors ...
- ... K01.844.777...........................................Religious Missions K01.844.799...........................................Religious Philosophies K01.844.799.214...........................................Confucianism K01.844.799. ...
- ... Science Religion and Sex Religious Missions Religious Missions Religious Philosophies Confucianism Mysticism Spiritualism Yoga Theology Romanticism Secularism Information ...
- ... K01.844.776...........................................Religious Missions K01.844.799...........................................Religious Philosophies Page 1275 2016 MeSH Tree Hierarchy Tree location ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The occult worldPublication: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1895... least, until that longed-for day when our religious philosophy becomes universal. At no time have more than ... to furnish the materials for a needed universal religious philosophy; one impregnable to scientific assault, because itself the ...
- ... are tound the roots of the system of religious philosophy called New Thought. The doctrines of these cults ... charlatan —a long line of investigators perfected the theory and practice of hypnotic suggestion. The possibili- ties ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Evolution : its nature, its evidences, and its relation to religious thoughtPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1899... space and stretch- ing through all time. Our religious philosophy has long INTRODUCTORY. 283 ago accepted the one, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Science and culture, and other essaysPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1882... call his conduct. It answers to Moral and Religious philosophy. Practically, it is the most directly valuable of ... ob- tained. The founders of Universities held the theory that the Scriptures and Aristotle taken together, the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Genetic Studies of the Amish: Background and PotentialitiesPublication: Johns Hopkins Press, [1964]... probably the most important part of the Arnish religious philosophy. Two passages of scri : . . pture are frequentl the ... 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. theories and successful management in traumatic and surgical crises. ...
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