- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1894... leaves. Medical Properties and Uses. (See Amygdala Dulcis.) AMYGDALA DULCIS. U.S., ... Br. Amygdalae Dulces, P. G.; Semen Amygdali Dulce ; Amande douce, Fr.; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1884... seed of the almond tree, Amygdalus communis, Linne, s. Prunus Amygdalus, ... amygdali dulce.- Sweet Almond, E.; Amandes donees, Fr. ; Siisse Mandeln, G. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1886... seed of the almond tree, Amygdalus communis, Linn^, s. Prunus Amygdalus, ... amygdali dulce.- Sweet Almond, E.; Amandes donees, Fr.; Silsse Mandeln, G. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Practical therapeutics : considered chiefly with reference to articles of the materia medicaPublication: Philadelphia : Lindsey & Blakiston, 1874... are affected. 171. Amygdalje Amar.se. Bitter Almonds. Amygdala Dulces. Sweet Almonds. The Bitter and Sweet Almonds are obtained from Amygdalus communis, Var., Amara and Dulcis D. C. respectively. Nat. Ord. ... fixed oil (01. Amygdala?) is obtained from both varie- * Lancet, Jan. 18, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Grigg & Elliot, 1833... and both are occasionally employed in medicine. 1. Amygdala Dulces. Sweet Almonds. These when blanched are with- out smell, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1852-1854... Kernel: Bitter almond. Var. Q, and y, Kernel: Sweet almond, £—Amygdalae dulces, D.) [Amygdala Amara. Amygdala dulcis, U.S] History.—Almonds were well known to the ancients; they are mentioned in the earliest part of the Old ... employed both the sweet and bitter almonds, and their expressed oil, in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - King's American dispensatoryPublication: Cincinnati : Ohio Valley Co., 1898-[1900?]... Composition.-Both varieties of almond contain oil; the sweet, a Fig. 19. Prunus Amygdalus. 186 AMYGDALA. fixed oil (see Oleum Amygdalae Expressum); the bitter, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... a. Kernel: Bitter Almond. Var. /?. and y. Kernel; Sweet Almond, E —Nuclei ; Amyg- data? amara;. Amygdalae dulces, D). (Amygdala Amara. Amygdala communis, U. S.) History.—Almonds were well ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American medical formulary : based upon the United States and British pharmacopoeias : ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1850... Sedative. Use. In pectoral affections, attended with cough. Amygdala Dulcis. U S., L., E. [Amygdalae Dulces, Dl\ Sweet Almonds. The kernels of the fruit of Amygdalus com- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Quincy's Lexicon-medicum : a new medical dictionary, containing an explanation of the terms ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Benjamin Warner, M. Carey & Son, and Edward Parker, 1817... of the plant which affi.r is both sweet anel bitter almonds See Amygdala. AMibdaib dulces. Set' Amygdala. AMYiiiiALUs persica. Tne systematic name of ...
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