- NLM Digital Collections - Prices current of drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, proprietary medicines, ...Publication: New York : [s.n.], 1893... Vine Compound 1 50 1 40 1 70 Squill . Urginea scilla 90 80 1 10 Squill, Acetic . Urginea scilla 1 00 90 1 20 Squill, (for Syrup) . Urginea scilla 1 00 90 1 20 Squill, Compound ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Prices current of drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, proprietary medicines, ...Publication: New York : [s.n.], 1887... Vine Compound 1 50 1 40 1 70 Squill Urginea Scilla 90 80 1 10 Squill, Acetic . Urginea Scilla 1 00 90 1 20 Squill, (for Syrup) Urginea Scilla 1 00 90 1 20 Squill, Compound. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1852-1854... the name Urginea for the genus to which squill (Urginea Scilla, Steinh.) belongs. Some objections having been raised ...
- ... Senna, Cassia acutifolia. Leaves. Cathartic acid, sennacrol, sennit. Squill, Urginea Scilla. Bulb. Scillipicrin, sci 11 itoxin, scillin, etc. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An epitome of the newer materia medica, standard medicinal products, and fine pharmaceutical ....Publication: Detroit, Mich. : Parke, Davis & Company, 1890... and false uni- corn ; 54 to 1 fluidrachm. Squill.—Urginea Scilla, Steinheil.—Expector- ant and diuretic. Fluid extract bulb; 1 to 10 minims. Fluid extract Squill Comp.; each pint contains 8 ozs. each of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An epitome of the newer materia medica, standard medicinal products, and fine pharmaceutical ....Publication: Detroit, Mich. : The Company, 1889... cohosh and false uni- corn ; to 1 fluidrachm. Squill.—Urginea Scilla, Stkinheil.—Expector- ant and diuretic. 66 Fluid ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medical science : containing a full explanation of the various subjects and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Bros. & Co., 1893... Spain, Austria, etc. The sliced bulb of the squill, Urginea scilla, Scilla (Ph. U. S. and Br.), has a bitter, nauseous taste, and is extremely acrid, inflaming the skin when ... In large doses squill is emetic and purgative; in small doses, diuretic ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of pharmacyPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1895... etc. Official Preparation.—Extractum Lappse Fluidum. SCILLA, U. S.—Squill. —The sliced bulb of Urginea niaritima con- tains the bitter principle scillipicrin, scillitoxin, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of materia medica, therapeutics, and prescription writing : with especial reference ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1887... carminative in small doses. (See page 137.) Scilla, Squill,—the bulb of Urginea Scilla. Not used alone, but in the Compound ... of itself having very considerable diuretic power. Scilla, Squill,—the bulb of Urginea scilla, or Scilla maritima, a European plant. It ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical department of the United States Army in the world war (Volume 6)Publication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1921-1929... measure of success, however, with an extract of squills, or sea onion (Urginea maritima), was reported.2 The extract was prepared ...
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