- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory : containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1831... Bigl. Svmplocarpus FffiTIDUS. Bart. Pothos FffiTIDA. Swamp, or Skunk Cabbage. The Root. There seems much difference of sentiment as to the proper de- nomination of this plant, as may appear by reference to the syno- nymes above, and still more ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory : containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1825... Fcetidus. Bigl. Symplocarpus F(etidus. Bart. Pothos Fcetida. Skunk Cabbage. The Root. There seems much difference of sentiment as to the proper de- nomination of this plant, as may appear by reference to the syno- nymes above, and still more ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory : containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1827... Ictodes Foctidus. Bigl. Symplocarpus Fostidus. Bart. Pothos Foetida. Skunk Cabbage. The Root. There seems much difference of sentiment as to the proper de- nomination of this plant, as may appear by reference to the syno- nymes above, and still more ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory : containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1830... Bigl. Symplocarpus Fcetidus. Bart. Pothos Fcetida. Swamp, or Skunk Cabbage. The Root. There seems much difference of sentiment as to the proper de- nomination of this plant, as may appear by reference to the syno- * Barton's Collections. See also Professor ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... a family resemblance in the 83 Pulsatilla. Pulse. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. actions of a good many of the Ranunculacea. Anemone, Ranunculus, Adonis, Clematis, Delphinum, etc.; Symplo- carpus (Skunk Cabbage), and Arisoema (Indian Turnip) have a similar acrid, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The home physician, or, A treatise upon the cure of diseases by the botanical system of ...Publication: Louisville, Ky. : Printed at Dana's Office, 1832... frequently than from any thing else, from the skunk cabbage. The last summer, I had the sevei-est ... bitterish,. and somewhat nauseous, are to be preferred^ SKUNK CABBAGE, Dracontium. Dracontium—the systematic name of the Skunk ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... quently than from any thing else, from the skunk-cabbage. (Dracontiumfcelidum. Lin. Arum Americanum. Catesby. See that article ... sixty grains tt) two drachms. Pothos Fcetida, Mich. ) Skunk Cabbage. The roots Dracontium Fostidum, Lin. $ and seeds^ This ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... grass Couch-grass. Dogsbane Bitter-root. Dracontium foetidum* Skunk Cabbage. Dragon root Indian Turnip. Drosera rotundifolia Sundew. Dryopteris ... Conium. Poison ivy Poison Oak. SYNONYMS. 266 Polecatweed Skunk Cabbage. Polemonium reptans Abscess root. Polygala Senega Senega. Polygonatum ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American physician : being a new system of practice, founded on botany ; for the use of ...Publication: Rochester, N.Y. : Printed for the author ; by H. Leavenworth, 1824... the bark; beech drops, the tops and roots; skunk cabbage, the roots; yellow dock, the roots; prim hage, ... snake root, the roots; wild turnip, the roots; skunk cabbage, the roots; equal quantities—pulverize and mix. A ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine, according to the plan most approved by the reformed or botanic ...Publication: Mt. Vernon [Ohio] : Published by the author, printed by E.J. Ellis, 1847... made by rolling equal parts of lobelia and skunk cabbage root, in fine powder, with the extract of ... cellar. ICT0DES FCSTIDA. 297 ICTODES FCETIDA. Swamp Cabbage, Skunk Cabbage, These are a class of medicines designed for ...
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