- NLM Digital Collections - The eclectic practice of medicinePublication: Cincinnati : Medical Publishing Co., 1885... patient is Avatchful, restless, and uneasy. As the disease progresses these symptoms increase in sever- ity; the secretions are still further arrested, the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A memoir of James Jackson, Jr., M.D. : with extracts from his letters to his father, and ...Publication: Boston : Printed by I.R. Butts, 1835... rose pimples, and the blowing (sifflante) rale, as symptoms belonging to Sever and not to disease oS the brain. In what Sollows, his diagnosis will be confirmed. Five, p. m. — Great heat; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Manual of homoeopathic theory and practice : designed for the use of physicians and familiesPublication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, c1872... the disease is from twenty-four hours to sever. weeks; the first symptoms of the disease generally show themselves on the fourth or eighth ...
- ... or more, depending on strain. d. Onset and symptoms. Acute onset. Sever- ity of disease varies with dose. Clinical mani- festations are based on the development of focal central nervous system lesions. Therefore, symptom variation is great depending on the site of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A complete pronouncing medical dictionary : embracing the terminology of medicine and the ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1890... become severe or sharp.”] An increased force or sever- ity of the symptoms of a disease. Exaeresis,* ex-fer'e-sis. [From the Gr. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Gunn's new family physician, or, Home book of health : forming a complete household guide, ...Publication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1867... should be graduated according to the mildness or sever- ity of the symptoms. Sometimes the disease is very mild, requiring scarcely any treatment; at ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The eclectic practice in diseases of childrenPublication: Cincinnati : American Pub. Co., 1869... the course of twenty-four hours. As the disease progresses, the symptoms increase in sever- ity, the febrile-reaction is higher and more ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The eclectic practice of medicinePublication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1864... patient is watchful, restless, and uneasy. As the disease progresses these symptoms increase in sever- ity ; the secretions are still further arrested, the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical admonitions to families : respecting the preservation of health, and the treatment of ...Publication: Portsmouth, New-Hampshire : Printed for Charles Peirce, by N. S. & W. Peirce, 1803... obftinate coftive- neSs, hard and Small pulSe, with Sever, are the Symptoms which characterise this dreadful malady, This diSeaSe commences, generally, with flight wandering pains in various ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of the practice of medicinePublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, 1886... of a similar character, but of much less sever- ity, are present the third night, after which the disease usually dis- appears. If the symptoms of the first paroxysm continue pronounced for two ...
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