- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... Snakeroot. Roundleaved Dogwood Green Osier. Rubus Canadensis Blackberry. Rubus idaeus Raspberry. Rubus strigosus Raspberry. Rubus trivialis Blackberry. Rubus villosus ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of organic materia medica : being a guide to materia medica of the vegetable and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1882... in decoction and confection. UVA PASSA-RAISINS. 285 RUBUS IDAEUS.-Raspberry. Origin. - Rubus Idaeus, Lin. Natural order, Rosaceae, Dryadeae. Habitat.-Europe ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A guide to the organic drugs of the United States pharmacopoeia 1890 : containing in addition ...Publication: Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.A. : Botanical Department of Eli Lilly & Company, 1899... Preparation—Tinctura Quillajae. QUILLAJA SAPONARIA —See jfj'uillaja. RASPBERRY—Rubus Idaeus. The fruit of Rubus ideeus Lin ne nat. ... Rubus. Rubus hispidus Rubus. Rubus idteus, var. Americanus Raspberry* Rubus idaeus, var. strigosus Raspberry. Rubus occidentalis Raspberry. Rubus strigosus ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Era key to the U.S.P. : a complete list of the drugs and preparations of the United ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : D.O. Haynes & Co., Publishers, 1893... canadensis and Rubus trlvlalls. Prep: Extractum Rubi Fluidum. Rubus Idaeus—Raspberry. The fruit of Rubus idaeus. Prep. Syrupus Rubi Idaei. Rumex—Rumex—Yellow ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical therapeutics : with especial reference to the application of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea, 1898... 32.0-64.0). RUBUS ID^EUS, or RASPBERRY. Rubus Idaeus, U. S., or Raspberry, is used for the preparation of a syrup ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American eclectic dispensatoryPublication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, & Keys, 1854... Gelatina ribesiorum, currant jelly. Ruber, rubra, rubrum, red. Rubus idaeus, raspberry. Retinendus, to be retained, or kept. S. S. V. R., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A universal formulary : containing the methods of preparing and administering officinal and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1850... jelly. Ruber, rubra, rubrum, red. 3 42 INTRODUCTION. —♦— Rubus, idaeus, raspberry. Retinendus, to be retained, or kept. S. S.V.R., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of chemistryPublication: Philadelphia : Printed by Lang & Ustick, for selves, M. Carey [and 6 others], MDCCXCVI [1796]... Cerasus, Cherry, } Fragaria vesca, Strawberry } Rubus chamemorus, Bilberry, } Rubus idæus, Raspberry, } } Appear to contain half of the one and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A guide for examinations in pharmacyPublication: Cambridge, Mass. : Press of Edward W. Wheeler, 1897... Pale Rose Rosa Gallica ....... Red Rose Rubus ........ Blackberry Rubus Idaeus ....... Raspberry Rumex ........ Yellow Dock Sabina ........ Savine Tops Salvia ......... Sage ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeutics : with especial reference to the ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co., 1893-1896... bark. Rosaceae. Pomeae. Cydonium, Quince. Dryadeae. Rubus, Blackberry. Rubus idaeus, Raspberry. Roseae. Rosa, Rose. Brayera, Koosso. Quillaia, Soap-bark. ...
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