- NLM Digital Collections - Psychotherapy : suggestion in the treatment of disease, with the principles for the ...Publication: New York ; London : D. Appleton and Company, 1923... Messiahs of the Jews always advanced as one evidence their healing power, but so did the founders of religions among all the other nations of antiquity. It ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Encyclopedia of nature : containing the full and complete vitapathic system of medical ...Publication: Cincinnati, O. : J.B. Campbell, 1878... healed the sick among them 261 as an evidence of the utility of the gospel which he preached, and to convert them to that gospel. Mahomet propagated his religion by the sword, but Jesus and his followers propagated their re- ligion by healing the sick by the laying on of hands. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A complete concordance to Science and health : with key to the Scriptures, together with an ...Publication: Boston, USA : Allison V. Stewart, [1916]... Son, Teacher, Way-shower) Jesus' pref xi-10 healing of C. S. results now, as in J- time, pr 4-30 enable us to follow J4 example. 7- 3 evidence that J' reproof was pointed 10- 6 If good enough to profit by «/• cup of 11- 1 J' prayer, "Forgive us our debts,"—AfaZZ.6: 12. a ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The history of the supernatural: in all ages and nations and in all churches, Christian and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1863... He found them possessing ' an extraordinary spirit of prayer and praise to ... and these being shining evidences of its being from God, I durst not,' ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Soul and body, or, The spiritual science of health and diseasePublication: Boston : H.H. Carter, 1876... also the Great Physician ; how he went about healing all manner of sickness ... of the Christian religion. His proofs of his mission were sound bodies ; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The natural history of the human species : its typical forms, primeval distribution, ...Publication: Boston : Gould and Lincoln, 1851... nations every congenial latitude, and portending, at no distant era, to bear rule ... and legendary evidence attest it was cradled, and whence, under the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Science and health : with key to the ScripturesPublication: Boston : Allison V. Stewart, 1917... over it, leaving Soul to master the false evidences of the corporeal senses ... and death will disappear. Prayers, in which God is not asked to heal ...
- ... Edmond L. Browning, to initiate Nationa]. Days of Prayer and Healing with special intention for AIDS. The present hope ... and actively participate in the National Days of Prayer and Healing for all persons related to the AIDS crisis, ...
- ... venereal disease regulations: applicability to persons depending on prayer for healing 3199 REPEALS 40000 to 40021 REPORTS. See also ...
- ... sect, denomination, or organization to depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of such religious ...
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