- NLM Digital Collections - The ear : its anatomy, physiology, and diseases : a practical treatise for the use of medical ...Publication: Philadelphia : H.C. Lea, 1877... in their general shape and appearance, an ordinary onion-top. In reference to the etiology of this case, it may ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Research proposal from Joshua Lederberg to Henry Platt, American Institute Science LaboratoryPublication: Produced: 23 December 1940... the chromatic and achromatic figures, and as a reference for the following: b. Sections of onion root-tip, fixed in Baum-Allen's B15 fixative ... the chromatic and achromatic figures, and as a reference for the following. b. Sections of onion root-tip, fixed in Bouin-Allen's B15 fixative ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Health training in schools : a handbook for teachers and health workersPublication: New York : National Tuberculosis Association, 1923... order in singing, and will have them for reference in the game. Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce Squashes Turnips Pumpkins Parsnips Cabbage Beets ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Letters from a mother to a mother on the formation, growth, and care of the teethPublication: Philadelphia : Welch Dental Co., 1885... as pickles and sour fruits, or cabbage and onions, should be most carefully avoided by the nurs- 54 ing mother, with special reference to its possible ef- fects on the child, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The writings of Hippocrates and GalenPublication: Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1846... coughs of children. The inner part of an onion triturated with honey is recommended as a good * Qu. If this can have any reference to our secale cornutum ? b Syrmoea, Hal. et ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The mind and its educationPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Company, [1923]... and having someone give you scraped apple, potato, onion, etc., and see whether, by taste alone, you can distinguish the difference. Why cannot sulphur be tasted? SENSATION 101 References A Averill, E. A., Psychology for Normal Schools, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... authority also recommends eating a bit of raw onion every morning before exposure on deck. When practicable, cider may be added to the dietary, and 359 Scurvy. Sea-Sickness. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. the daily use ...
- ... 542 Dixon B: Medicine and the media: using references. Br J Hosp Med 1979 Dec;22(6):619 Dixon DC see Onion DK (Dixon FJ), Presentation of the Rous—Whipple ...
- ... For added flavor, top with chopped cilantro, green onions or black olives! Find more healthy recipes online at MedlinePlus ... Video MedlinePlus.gov Covers Over 1000 Health ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference hand-book for nursesPublication: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1919... fried chicken. Oyster dressing for turkey. Celery and onion dressing with roast duck. Tart grape jelly with canvasback duck. Currant jelly with roast goose. Cucumber catsup with corned beef. 168 REFERENCE HAND-BOOK FOR NURSES. FOOD AND NUTRITION IN ...
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