- NLM Digital Collections - Introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the Medical College of the State of So. Ca. :...Publication: Charleston : Printed by A.E. Miller, 1838... tools of the shrewd old Patriarch—the only gainer by the invention. " Father forgive them, for they know not what they do !" From these Thomsonians or Bo- tanical Practitioners, we have learned that the credu- lity of the mass of mankind, in affairs which concern their physical ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Remarks of S.H. Tewksbury, M.D. on the bill for the promotion of medical science : also, an ...Publication: Portland, Maine : Peck & Ayer, 1855... unhesitatingly insist that the poor arc the greatest gainers,— who are ... wondering mass of emigration, which fringes the advance of civilization,— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An oration on certainty in medicine : delivered before the Philadelphia Medical Society, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by the Society : Printed by James Kay, Jun. & Co., 1830... we should sweep away at once a great mass of the theories, so called, that have occupied much of the time of our predecessors, and some of our own. Science, however, would be a gainer by the change. To assign no cause for ...
- ... 21606706. [ PubMed : 21606706 ] [ CrossRef ] Castro VM, Apperson WK, Gainer VS, et al Evaluation of matched control algorithms ... PMC9467854 ] [ PubMed : 35199418 ] [ CrossRef ] Castro VM, Apperson WK, Gainer VS, et al Evaluation of matched control algorithms ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816... 1600/. per annum, and was a much greater gainer by the bargain, for the reasons before-mentioned, ... put under his care; and he is a gainer by this bargain, as more than two- thirds ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A bibliographical sourcebook of compressed air, diving, and submarine medicine (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Research Division, Project X-427, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, 1948-1966... B. A. Strickland, 0. H. Waltrip, and S. H. Gainer. Prevention of airsickness by benadryl- scopolamine mixtures. USAF ... Gagne, R. M., 3555, 3556 Gaillard, R., 279 Gainer, S. H., 2802 Gala, P., 2971 Galambos, R., 510, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hereditary genius : an inquiry into its laws and consequencesPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Company ..., 1884... persecutions, by which the English have been large gainers, through receiving their industrial refugees, were on a ... she has hitherto been on the whole a gainer or a loser by the practice, lam not ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Remarkable stratagems and conspiracies : an authentic record of surprising attempts to ...Publication: New York : G.W. Carleton & Co. ... ; London : S. Low & Co., 1878... not so easily disturbed under such circumstances. When Gainer Moore got to ... gone and decayed, a liquid mass filled that skin; but they raised it in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of the English language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed and published by James Maxwell, 1819... from ac- quire.] The person, that acquires; a gainer. Acquirement, ak-kwire'ment. n. s. [from acquire.] That, ... partisans and adherents, were to be the sole gainers by it. Swift. 2. Any thing, outwardly belonging ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of the English language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Printed and published by James Maxwell, 1819... upon power. Shaks. 4. To be conqueror or gainer at play. Charles, 1 will play no more ...
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