- ... swelling, especially in your knees and other large joints. Pain that comes and goes in your tendons, muscles, joints, and bones. Heart palpitations, which are feelings ...
- ... swelling, especially in your knees and other large joints.</li> <li>Pain that comes and goes in your tendons, muscles, joints, and bones.</li> <li>Heart palpitations, which ...
- ... of unifocal VM include aesthetic deformation and chronic pain attributed to joint, tendon, or muscle involvement. Depending on the organ or area involved, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hull's Jahr, A new manual of homoeopathic practicePublication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, 1879... the joints, with heaviness.—Dull pain in the joints.—Excessive pains in the muscles, tendons, and joints, resembling rheumatic and arthritic pains.—Pains ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hull's Jahr : a new manual of homoeopathic practice : symptomatologyPublication: New-York : William Radde, 1868... the joints, with heaviness.—Dull pain in the joints.—Excessive pains in the muscles, tendons, and joints, resembling rheumatic and arthritic pains.—Pains ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Hull's Jahr: a new manual of homoeopathic practice (Volume 2)Publication: New-York : Radde, 1862... the joints, with heaviness.—Dull pain in the joints.—Excessive pains in the muscles, tendons, and joints, resembling rheumatic and arthritic pains.—Pains ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Jahr's new manual, or, Symptomen-codex (Volume 2)Publication: New-York : Radde, 1848-53... in our climate : rigidity, paralytic weakness in the joints, with stinging pain along the tendons and muscles. Swelling and redness on or near the joints. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A pathogenetic materia medica : based upon Drs. Hughes' and Dake's Cyclopaedia of drug ...Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, 1895... of pains: drawing5, shooting3, tearing2, pressing2. LOWER LIMBS. Pains in muscles, tendons and joints of lower limbs14: draw- ing5, stitching5, pressive2. Weakness ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A complete treatise on the symptoms, effects, nature and treatment of syphilisPublication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., 1815... spasms or tetanus, par- tial or universal, violent pains in the muscles, tendons, and joints, resembling rheumatic or arthritic pains, mania, paralysis, and ...
- Any part of your neck - muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, or nerves - can cause neck problems. Neck pain is very common. Pain may also come from your shoulder, jaw, head, or upper arms. Muscle strain or tension often causes ...
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