- NLM Digital Collections - American medical botany: being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United ...Publication: Boston : Published by Cummings and Hilliard, at the Boston Bookstore, no. 1, Cornhill, 1817[-1820]... grain. tincture from 15 to 20 drops. BOTANICAL REFERENCES. Datura Stramonium, Linnjbus Sp. pi. Fl. Suec. 185 8fC— Gronovius ... Bauhinjhw. 168.—Stramonium spinosum, Gerarde Herbal 348. MEDICAL ... Philad. 42 DATURA STRAMONIUM. Trans, i. 384.—Schoepf. 24.—Wedenberg in Med. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... and in Section,, of Datura Stramonium. Fig. 3742.-Datura Stramonium; Ripe Fruit. (Baillon.) 662 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Stramonium. Stroplaantlium. Strawberries ...
- ... hence that the treatment must be conducted with reference to the whole system. Among par- ticular remedies, the datura stramonium is in more repute among American physicians than ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1882... Society of Edin- burgh,” Yol. XXY. Note.—Other references omitted for lack of space. Stramonium.—Leaves and seed of datura stramonium. Stramoine, Fr. ; Stechapfel, Ger. Stramonii Folia.—Stramonium-leaves. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Encyclopedia of health and home: a domestic guide to health, wealth and happiness : thorough ....Publication: New York : I.N. Reed & Co., 1880... smoking the leaves of the thorn apple, or jimson weed. Or a quantity of the leaves ... of Kewanna, Ind., in reference to it, says, “I cannot speak in too ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Health at home, or, Hall's family doctor : showing how to invigorate and preserve health, ...Publication: Hartford, Conn. : Betts, 1874... of stramonium, that is the thorn-apple or "Jimson" weed. Burn the leaves in a funnel turned upside ... seeds, that is, the GOXORRHCEA. 809 thornapple or " Jimson weed," two grains of the sulphate of qui- nine, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeutics : with especial reference to the ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co., 1893-1896... time, itself been a genus name, e.g., Datura Stramonium, Rhamnus Frangula, ... With reference to chemical substances, their names, according to modern ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: New York : Appleton, 1887... Society of Edin- burgh,” vol. xxv. Note.—Other references omitted for lack of space, but they are to be seen in all edi- tions previous to the fourth. Stramonium.—Leaves and seed of Datura stramonium Lin no (Nat. Ord. Solanacece). Stramoine, Fr. ; Stechapfel, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - American medical botany: being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United ...Publication: Boston : Published by Cummings and Hilliard, at the Boston Bookstore, no. 1, Cornhill, 1817[-1820]... as in systems of Materia Medica, by a reference to their leading properties or most striking modes of operating on the human system. In this light they may be arranged as follows. Narcotics. Tonics. Datura Stramonium, Menyanthes trifoliata, Conium maculatum, Humulus Lupulus, Cicuta maculata, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The home physician, or, A treatise upon the cure of diseases by the botanical system of ...Publication: Louisville, Ky. : Printed at Dana's Office, 1832... variety of names, such as James-town weed^ jimson weed, French apple, stink weed, &c. Its common name, ... him a decoction of the seeds of the datura stramonium, (or thorn- apple,) and directed the nurse to ...
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