- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1899... closely resem- bling that of sassafras root. IMPATIENS. Impatiens fulva, Nutt, (now I. biflora,, Walt.); and I. pallida, Nutt, (now 7. aurea, Muhl.). Touch-me-not. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A synopsis, or, Systematic catalogue of the medicinal plants of the United States : presented ...Publication: Philadelphia : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1852... vomitoria, 134 Illicebrum polynoides, 169 IHicium floridanum, 41 Impatiens biflora, 68 fulva, 68 maculata, 68 noli tangere, 68 pallida, 67 Imperatoria lucida, 93 Indian physic, 81-82 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Traité élémentaire de matière médicale et guide pratique des Soeurs de Charité de ...Publication: Montréal : Eusebe Senécal, 1870... anisatum 153 Imbibition 735 Immersion 86 Immortelle 395 Impatiens balsamina 422 “ biflora 422 “ fulva 422 “ maculata 422 “ noli-me-tangere 422 “ pallida 422 Impatiente 422 “ jaune 422 “■ n’y touchez ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chronological history of plants : man's record of his own existence illustrated through their ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1879... Conception, doctrine of, 858. Impalement, punishment of, 198. Impatiens balsamina, 556. biflora, 803. cornuta, 970. fasciculata, 974. latifolia, 974. noli-tangere, 479. pallida, 1055. parvifiora, 1064. (Hydrocera) trifiora, 689. Imperata cylindrica, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Flora cestrica : an attempt to enumerate and describe the flowering and filicoid plants of ...Publication: West-Chester, Penn. : Printed for the author by S. Siegfried, 1837... SPECIES HUMULUS 563 opaca 114 fluitans ? 228 Lupulus — IMPATIENS 140 marginatus 230 ... 336 pallida — verticillatus ? 228 canadensis — INULA 475 JUNIPERUS 571 HYDROCOTYLE ...
- NLM Digital Collections - General index to publications, 1852-1912Publication: Toronto : University Press, 1914... iv 229 Into Canada, 1855 I in 341 Impatiens, L., localities Can- adian species II ... II xv 350 I. pallida, Nutt. Canadian localities II xv 350 Host of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - C.E. Hobb's botanical hand-book of common local, English, botanical and pharmacopoeial names ....Publication: Boston : Printed by C.C. Roberts, 1876... vine, Balsam apple, Momordica balsamina. “ weed, Jewel weed, Impatiens pallida. “ “ Life everlasting, Gnaphalium polycephalum. “ White, Life everlasting, “ “ “ wood, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American eclectic materia medica : containing one hundred and twenty-five illustrations ...Publication: Philadelphia : H. Hollembaek, [1865]... various poisons. 213 IN MOOTER A CAROLINIAN A. IMPATIENS PALLIDA. Nat. Ord. �Gerania. Sex. Syst.�Pentandria Monogynia. Common ... fetida, 209 Ilex opaca, 210 Illicium floridanum, 211 Impatiens pallida, 213 Indian cup-plant, 257 " cucumber-root, 252 " ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lilly's hand book of pharmacy and therapeuticsPublication: Indianapolis, Ind. : Eli Lilly & Company, 1897... i Star anise. Impatiens aurea Muhl Jewel weed. *Impatiens pallida Nutt Jewel weed. India senna Senna. Indian arrow ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Resources of the southern fields and forests, medical, economical, and agricultural : being ...Publication: Charleston : Steam-power press of Evans & Cogswell, 1863... 395, " myrtifolia, 395. Illicium Floridanum, 39. " parviflorum, 39, Impatiens pallida, 139. ' noli me tan., 139. Indigophera Carolin., 178. " ...
28 results