- ... and Vegetable Juices Functional Behavior, Psychology Functional Food Functional Food Fursultiamin Fused Kidney GTP-Binding Protein Regulators Gambling Gambling Game Theory Games, Experimental Added Feeding and Eating Disorders Added ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The principles and practice of medicinePublication: Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1844... Diabetes Mellitus. By John Rollo, M. D. 984 FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEY. ... in urea, food producing this principle in abundance is not eligible; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Rational diet : an advanced treatise on the food questionPublication: Los Angeles : Times-Mirror Press, 1923... consump- tion of devitalized, demineralized and acid-forming foods one of the leading causes of malnutrition, enervation and functional diseases. The fallacy of the germ theory and vaccination. Chapter XIII Medical Science and the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Joel E. Cohen's Contributions to the Advancement of SciencePublication: Produced: 19 December 1979... ecological communities given by food webs and the functional view given by ... widely made in ecological theory, that niche space can be studied as if ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Ethical therapeutics : or the treatment of disease by moral management, vs. drugs and ...Publication: [Newtown, Conn.?] : [publisher not identified], [1883?]... too much meat and too little vege- table food, and excesses in eating and drinking. A case, illustrative of the value of the above treatment, is related in Dr. Flint’s Theory and Practice, when treating of functional obstipation, as follows: “ Dr. I. B. Hunt subsequently ...
- ... 203.300.562 Fruit G07.203.300.572 Functional Food G07.203.300.581 Honey G07.203.300. ... Formula J02.500.562 Fruit J02.500.572 Functional Food J02.500.581 Honey J02.500.590 Meals ...
- ... Formulated Infant Formula Infant Food Infant Formula Fruit Functional Food Honey Meals Breakfast Lunch Snacks Meat Meat Products ... Formulated Infant Formula Infant Food Infant Formula Fruit Functional Food Honey Meals Breakfast Lunch Snacks Meat Meat Products ...
- ... 203.300.562...........................................Fruit G07.203.300.572...........................................Functional Food G07.203.300.581...........................................Honey G07.203.300. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Human rumination regarded in the light of atavic tendency : report of a new case, with ...Publication: [St. Louis?] : [publisher not identified], [1894?]... going at once when the nature of the food is changed. If merycoles have not so far borne out anatomically the theory of atavism, that does not pre- clude the possibility of gradual structural adaptation to the altered functional requirements. It must never be lost sight of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Fasting and undernutrition : a biological and sociological study of inanitionPublication: New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, [1923]... It also signifies that every excess of nitrogenous food over and beyond a ... various dietary theories advocating a low protein regime as essential to ...
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