- NLM Digital Collections - Poison plantsPublication: Atlanta : Georgia Regional Medical Television Network : [for loan or sale by A. W. Calhoun Medical Library, 1976]... sumac, which is fuzzy and looks like a deer, antlers and velvet, and hence the name the poison sumac catch ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The international encyclopaedia of surgery: a systematic treatise on the theory and practice ....Publication: New York : Wood, 1888-95... also in the bones of animals of the deer kind. Reference may be best made here to the subject ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A new and improved system of medical botanical practice : also, a concise view of anatomy and ...Publication: Cleaveland : Printed for the author, 1829... female flower, unicorn, alspice, white Solomon- seal, spikenard, & deer's horn in the velvet three, ounces of bitter-sweet, and one ounce ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... the pro- teins of the Chinese and Georgia velvet beans with reference to amino-acid composition. J. Biol. Chem., 1922, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The household physician : for the use of families, planters, seamen, and travellers : being a ...Publication: Boston : I. Bradley & Co., 1874... Born (Cornu Cervince TJstum).— The horns of the deer are said to be in velvet between August and December, and dur- ing this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The household physician : for the use of families, planters, seamen, and travellers : being a ...Publication: Boston : Bradley, Dayton, & Co., 1864... Cervina Us turn).— The horns of the ji deer are said to be in velvet between August and December, and dur- ing this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The household physician : for the use of families, planters, seamen, and travellers : being a ...Publication: Boston : Bradley, Dayton and Co., 1863... Horn (Cornu Cervinm TJstum).— The horns of the deer are said to be in velvet between August and December, and dur- ing this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The household physician : for the use of families, planters, seamen, and travellers : being a ...Publication: Boston : Bradley, Dayton and Co., 1859... Horn (Comu Cervina Ustum).— The horns of the deer are said to be in velvet between August and December, and dur- ing this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American family physician, or, Domestic guide to health : prepared expressly for the use ....Publication: Indianapolis, Ind. : Douglass, 1892... between August and December, the horns of the deer, Gerwt Virginianus, are said to be in velvet. During this time only, the horns which have ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American family physician, or, Domestic guide to health : prepared expressly for the use ....Publication: Indianapolis, Ind. : Streight, 1864... between August and December, the horns of the deer, Germ Virginianus, are said to be in velvet. During this time only, the horns which have ...
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